Ghana: Speaker Urges Queen of Yaluvi-Lokokope to Promote Girl Child Education

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, has asked the newly installed Queen Mother of Yaluvi-Lokokope, in the Akatsi South District of the Volta Region, Mama Deyenawo II, to champion girl child education in her traditional area.

The Speaker noted that girl-child education has become critical to the growth and development of not only the area but the country as a whole.

MrBagbin made the call in a speech read on his behalf, by his aide, Peter Bamfo, in Yaluvi-Lokokope, at the installation of the new queen, at Yaluvi-Lokokope on Saturday.

The Speaker said that the importance of the girl-child and by extension women to the development of the country could not be underrated.

"Women play an integral part in every country's national development. Though Ghana, over the period, has achieved a lot in terms of women participation in both national discourse and the day to day administration of the state, it is very important to sustain this achievement and even build on it.

"That is why I stress on the need to focus on girl child education to empower our girls to take up the mantle of leadership in all spheres of life," he said.

To this end, the Speaker said traditional rulers have the responsibility to lead the advocacy for improved female school enrolment, especially in the rural areas.

Previously known as Miss Monica Amenzah, Mama Deyenawo's colourful installation was characterised by the Ewe traditional dancing and drumming.

The ceremony brought together traditional rulers from adjoining communities, the clergy, representatives of political parties and other interest groups within the Akatsi catchment area.

The Member of Parliament for the area, BenardAhiafor, assured Mama Deyenawo II of his support and pledged to work together with her to champion the aspirations of the people of Akatsi South.

Having known the young queen and her capabilities, MrAhiafor said he has no doubts in her minds that Mama Deyenawo II would execute her queenly duties with distinction.

"I have known Mama (Deyenawo II) for some time now and I have a strong believe in her to do great. I stand here today fully committed to traditional leaders of Akatsi and the dreams and aspirations of our people," MrAhiafor said.

Dressed in her all white traditional apparel, Mama Deleynawo II swore the oath of allegiance to the stool to serve her people in respect and dignity.

She expressed gratitude to the chiefs, elders and people of the area for the honour accorded her and promised to be a mother for all, particularly for the motherless.

Mama Deleynawo II acknowledged that her new responsibilities would not be a walk in the park but with the support of the people, the people of Yaluvi-Lokokope would be the greatest beneficiaries.


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