Liberia: Police Invite Jerome J. Verdier

--To assist probe in Charloe Musu's death

Police authorities in Monrovia have invited U.S.-based Liberian Human Rights Advocate Cllr. Jerome Verdier, Sr., to assist in an ongoing investigation into Charloe Musu's brutal murder on 22 February 2023.

Charloe is the daughter of Liberia's former Chief Justice Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott. The deceased was gruesomely murdered at Cllr. Scott's Brewerville residence.

In a letter dated 7 March 2023 and authorized by Police Inspector General Col. Patrick T. Sudue, the Liberia National Police (LNP) requested Cllr. Verdier to kindly provide whatsoever evidence that he may have to link Monrovia Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee and Monrovia City Police Officer Varlee Telleh to Charloe's murder.

"We present our compliments and write in relation to' your assertion made on Spoon Talk Show on February 23, 2023, alleging that Mayor Jefferson T. Koljee masterminded the killing of the late Charloe Musu by officer Varlee Tellah of the Monrovia City Police which occurred in Virginia, Montserrado County, on February 22, 2023," the police letter said.

The police said they will highly appreciate Cllr. Verdier's timely response in the interest of justice.

Following Charloe's brutal murder, Liberia's former Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) chair Cllr. Verdier alleged that Monrovia Mayor and ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Secretary General Jefferson T. Koijee ordered Monrovia City Police Officer Varlee Telleh to attack the former Chief Justice.

But Koijee and Telleh denied having any links to the attack against Cllr. Scott and her daughter Charloe's murder.

Last week, Cllr. Scott told the Voice of America (VOA) that she suspected that the Government of Liberia and the Liberia National Police (LNP) were conspiring to threaten and make her a pool guy for the attacks in which her daughter Charloe was gruesomely murdered.

The opposition Unity Party stalwart and former Maryland County Senator disclosed that despite not being arrested by the government through the LNP, the authorities made her the defendant in the case.

According to her, she and her entire household don't feel safe any longer because the person who has been going to her house and killed her daughter is still outside.

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