Liberia: MoE And Partners Commence 2022 JESR Conference in Nimba

Ganta, Nimba County-In an effort to transform and address the challenges confronting the Educational Sector of Liberia, the Ministry of Education has begun a Joint Education Sector Review (JESR) Conference in Ganta, Nimba County.

The JESR's Conference is an annual plan by the Ministry to review progress, challenges, and ways forward for the transformation of the Sector in the Country.

The Review Conference, which is expected to last for five days, brought together Stakeholders in the Educational Sector to review projects that were successfully implemented and develop new plans for the Sector.

Speaking at the opening Ceremony of the Program in Ganta, Nimba County, on March 27, 2023, Liberia's Vice President, Madam Jewel Howard-Taylor said Education remains a major priority of the Government of Liberia.

She mentioned that education is the most important tool for an improved and better society.

Madam Taylor then pledged the government's continuous support to transform, the education sector in the country.

She disclosed that the government over the years, has made tremendous progress in improving education, naming several schools that were erected in the 15 Counties.

Also speaking, Education Minister, Prof. D. Ansu Sonii noted that the objective of the 2022 JESR seeks to acquire basic information about the implementation of educational programs.

He mentioned that the process will consist of the traditional review processes, and the orientation of County Education Management Teams.

The Review will throw spotlight on the basic tenets of the new Liberia Education Sector Plan (2023-2027) as well as the development of a Program Budget.

According to Sonii, the 2022 Joint Education Sector Review (JESR) will include its preparatory activities, and the Orientation of County Education Officers.

Furthermore, the 2022 JESR will also enable the Ministry to adopt a Program-based Budget and operationalize the Education Sector Plan ESP (2023-2027).

The Liberia Education Minister revealed that the JESR is also expected to create the opportunity for the allocation of funds to the programs/interventions.

Minister Sonii further said under the decentralization arrangement, of the Government of Liberia, Counties are being looked upon to manage their annual plans and budgets, and expenditure arrangements.

He praised the government for its huge support to education, adding that it is key to government's agenda.

For his part, the Chairman on the Senate's Committee on Education and Bong County Senator, Prince Moye pledged the the Liberian Senate's commitment to making sure that quality education is provided to all Liberians.

The 2022 Joint Education Sector Review Conference is being held under the Theme,: "Transformative Education, the Fulcrum for National Development."

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