Liberia: Court Prepared for 2023 Elections -CJ Yuoh

Liberian Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene G. Yuoh says the Supreme Court of Liberia is well-built, fortified, and judicially poised to hear and dispose of all election disputes regardless of their magnitude.

She gave the assurance over the weekend while addressing members of the Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA) at the EJS Ministerial Complex in Oldest Congo Town.

"The Supreme Court is well built, fortified, and judicially poised to hear and dispose of all and any election disputes regardless of their magnitude ... We are resolved to dispense Justice evenly without fear or favor," Chief Justice Yuoh said.

She said to move beyond the art of the grandstanding stage of good governance, and astute statesmanship, words must be matched with substantive actions.

"However, I will be remiss if I don't utilize this occasion to re-echo the need for party litigants, political parties, and independent candidates to safeguard themselves with the best and astute lawyers who will exert their very best," she urged.

She noted that this warning aligns with the Supreme Court's opinion on River Gee County Senator Jonathan Boye Charles Sogbie, versus National Elections Commission (NEC) 2016 and the March 2017 Abu Kamara versus NEC cases.

She noted that in 'our' legal sphere, allegations must be supported by factual evidence.

She said the Supreme Court docket attests that even in a quiet moment, the storm of election cases or challenges is quietly brewing at the National Elections Commission.

Chief Justice Yuoh observed that they are quietly gathering strength, velocity, and force and preparing to dash on the shores of the Supreme Court docket like a monstrous wave.

Like the beacon of light amid the storm, she said the Supreme Court is well-built, fortified, and judicially poised to hear and dispose of all and every election dispute.

She warned that if a lawyer fails to perfect their appeal, the Supreme Court, via a motion from the opposing party will dismiss the case.

She added that if the case is shrouded with mere allegations, speculation, and doubts, rather than evidence, the Supreme court will reject the claim.

" As the election draws closer, let it be known that this bench will only be moved by strong and convincing evidence and not political ideologies, crowds, or recently created political slang of strongholds," she said.

"The supreme court has consistently held that the concept of a candidate claiming stronghold over a particular election geographical locale, finds no factual or legal basis in Judicial proceedings as it's completely doubtful, speculative and uncertain," Chief Justice Yuoh explained.

The Liberian National Bar Association over the weekend climaxed a two-day Annual General Assembly at the EJS Ministerial complex in Congo Town.

The program brought together several delegates and participants, including members of the diplomatic corps, current and past justices, Associates Justices of the Supreme Court, and lawyers.

The program was celebrated under the theme: "Beyond Rhetoric and Impunity: Law, Governance and the 2023 Elections - the basis for democratic necessity in Liberia."

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