Ghana: Parliamentary Committee Recommends Passage of LGBTQ+ Bill

The Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee of Parliament has recommended the passage of the Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill, 2021.

The Committee said having undertaken the hearing of memoranda on the bill, it noted that majority of Ghanaians were in favour of the passage of the Bill.

The Committee, however, said there were significant human right concerns with the bill which were worthy of consideration pursuant to Article 12(1) of the Constitution, which imposes on all organs of the State, the duty to respect and uphold the fundamental human rights enshrined in the 1992 Constitution.

In light of the above constitutional imperatives, the Committee said it sought the opinion of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice on the Bill and had duly factored into the bill concerns of the A-G.

"The Committee, accordingly recommends to the House to adopt its Report, and pass into law, the Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill, 2021, subject to the amendments proffered by the Committee," it said in its report laid in the House on Thursday.

Some of the amendments proffered included a change in the title of the bill to now read Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill, 2021, the section which imposes a charge on the consolidated fund contrary to Article 108 of the 1992 Constitution and other discriminatory clauses.

The presentation of the bill comes on the heels of the beration of the US Vice President, Kamala Harris, by the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, on her call for Ghana to treat same sex relationship as a human rights issue.

"I feel very strongly about the importance of supporting freedom and supporting the fighting for equality among all people and that all people be treated equally. I will also say that this [LGBTQ] is an issue that we consider, and I consider to be a human rights issue, and that will not change," she said in response to a question at a joint press conference at the Jubilee House in Accra last Monday.

But the speaker, at the second Breakfast Prayer Meeting of the Parliamentary Christian Fellowship on the theme 'Praying for the nation' in Parliament, Accra, on Wednesday said Parliament would not be at the beck and call of any external powers.

"What the Vice President of the USA, Kamala Harris, did yesterday should not be tolerated. That is undemocratic. What is democracy? That someone should have to dictate to me what is good and what is bad?

"Unheard of, because we have decided to devalue ourselves and go begging? Come on, we have more than enough. God has created more than enough for every person, the Bill will be passed," the Speaker assured.

The 25-clause private members bill seeks to provide for proper human sexual rights and Ghanaian family values; proscribe LGBTQ+ and related activities; proscribe propaganda of, advocacy for or promotion of LGBTTQQIAAP+ and related activities amongst others.

Among other things, the Bill proposes jail term for people who engage in same sex.

If passed, various forms of support for the LGBTQ+ activities would be criminalised and offenders could face up to a five-year jail term.

It is being championed by Ningo Prampram MP, Samuel Nartey George and seven other lawmakers.

They are Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah, MP, Ho West; Rev John Ntim Fordjour, Assin South; Alhassan Sayibu Suhuyini, Tamale North; Rita Naa Odoley Sowah, La Dadekotopon; Helen Adjoa Ntoso, Krachi West and

Rockson-Nelson Etse Kwami Dafeamekpor, South Dayi.

The House would be expected to debate the report when it resumes from the Easter break.

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