Liberia: Nimbaians Differ Over VP Slot

By Lincoln G. Peters

Several residents of Ganta City, Nimba County have shared clashing views about fielding one of their kinsmen as a vice presidential candidate in the ensuing October 10 presidential and legislative elections.

In this paper's recent interview conducted in Ganta City, Nimba County, some residents objected to fielding their Senator, Jeremiah Koung as a potential running mate to main opposition Unity Party (UP) standard bear Joseph Nyumah Boakai.

Mr. Koung recently succeeded Senator Prince Y. Johnson as political leader of the Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR).

Amb. Boakai, Liberia's former vice president, is yet to make known his choice of a running mate for this year's elections.

But the longstanding rumors that either Koung or Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence could be picked for the slot have generated mixed-reactions.

Many residents of Ganta City and its environs have contended that vote-rich Nimba County has all it takes to win the presidency of the country.

They therefore stated their unpreparedness to allow any of their sons to contest as a running mate to any political leader.

Despite this claim, there are some residents of Ganta who also believe that fielding one of their sons as a potential running mate is welcoming.

They believe that if Senator Koung serves as Amb. Boakai's running mate, it will be a help in the future for the county.

In an interview with this paper recently at the Ganta main market in Nimba, Wilfred Dolopai said he doesn't support any presidential candidate using any Nimba son as a running mate.

"My brother, don't ask me such [a] question. We in Nimba have made many presidents, including George M. Weah. Whenever we make those people using our population and resources, they can forget us. Meanwhile, I think it's now time that we make our own president by using one of our sons," said Dolopai.

He stated that Nimba County has all it takes in terms of population, finance, and human capacity to win the presidency.

"We have potential sons including Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongole, Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe, and Senator Jeremiah Koung," boasted Dolopai.

"We are willing and ready to support any of them once they contest for the presidency, but for vice presidential slot, we are not interested in that now" Mr. Dolopai stated.

Contrary to Dolopai's views, another resident of Ganta who was interviewed, Mr. James Youmie, said he welcomed the rumors that said Senator Koung could be picked as Boakai's running mate.

According to him, God is using that as a way of bringing back the presidency to Nimba County, adding that for too long Nimba has mixed having leader in the nation's highest seat.

"I agree with my brother that we have the population, finance, and potential sons to contest the presidency, but, what they have to understand is that you have to use someone to get what you want," Youmie explained.

"We know that Nimba has great people that are eyeing the presidency, but what we should understand is that not only Nimbaians will make their son president. And so, alliance and cooperation is important," he added.

Youmie called for mutual understanding and respect in their quest for the nation's highest seat.

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