Liberia: 'Desist From Voting On Sympathy'

--VOLT urges Liberians

Opposition Vision for Liberia Transformation Party (VOLT) has urged Liberians to desist from voting based on sympathy for candidates, saying it brought a mess upon the country.

Addressing a press conference over the weekend in Caldwell, VOLT Press and Propaganda person Mr. Prince Potter claimed that President George Manneh Weah and his Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) were voted to power based on sympathy.

Potter said if Liberians had evaluated CDC and President Weah properly instead of voting for them based on sympathy, Liberia wouldn't have been in a mess.

"I am urging all of you today to desist from sympathy vote. Please, I am asking God to beg you, don't repeat that sympathy vote," said Potter.

"It's because of sympathy vote that Liberia is in such a serious mess today. We are complaining because there is no job opportunity [in] Liberia. All we see in the country is high poverty and corruption," Mr. Potter stated.

He described President Weah and his administration as an accident vote, pleading with Liberians to come together collectively and rescue the country.

He claimed that some of the reasons Liberians voted for Weah were "boy get the country at heart, and he has stayed too long behind this thing."

"President Weah became President without telling the Liberian people his agenda, policy, and vision for Liberia," Potter lamented.

He said President Weah did nothing to show leadership ability and vision for Liberia.

On Sunday, 2 April 2023, VOLT in continuation of its citizens' engagement discussed with several residents of Bombo Market, Upper Caldwell.

The conversation was centered on the party's vision for Liberia, and the disclosure of its political leader Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe.

VOLT said its vision is to take Liberian farmers from using cutlass to machines to prevent Liberia from importing more rice and other commodities.

"We have the soil here. Our vision is to ensure that Liberia exports to countries outside instead of us importing hugely as we are seeing," the party said.

Meanwhile, citizens, particularly first-time voters extolled VOLT delegates to hold the eye-opening discussion.

"We have seen many people coming here ... even distributing money, but we again are lost because we don't know their vision," they said.

"However, you are the first to tell us about your vision in bits and pieces. You tell us about your agriculture strategies. We want to say, we will be with you but hope you don't disappoint us like CDC," they concluded.

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