Ghana: Latif Iddrisu Assault Case - Police Not Interested in Out-of-Court Settlement - IGP

The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr George Akuffo Dampare, yesterday told the Accra High Court that the Ghana Police Service (GPS) is no longer interested in out-of-court settlement of case with Latif Iddrisu of Joy FM and his employers, the Multimedia Group.

This was announced in court by a Senior State Attorney, Mrs Nancy Twumasi Asiama, following months of unsuccessful compensation settlement between the parties.

She told the court presided over by Justice Cynthia Wiredu that the office of the Attorney General (AG) held a meeting with counsel for the plaintiffs, Mr Samson Lardi Anyenini, and several meetings with the police, at which the IGP said he preferred that the trial continued.

Mr Iddrisu, the first plaintiff, was assaulted in line of duty at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Headquarters, Accra, where he was assigned to report on a demonstration of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) against the arrest of the former Deputy General Secretary of the party, Mr Koku Anyindoho.

Mr Iddrissu and the Multimedia Group sued the GPS for the alleged assault on him (Mr Iddrissu).

His counsel, Mr Anyenini told the court his client was unwell and would be travelling to the United States for medication soon.

Mr Anyenini stated that the court could contact Latif through video call.

The lawyer had already intimated to the court that he was amenable to settlement.

In 2018, the first attempt at settlement mediated by the National Media Commission (NMC) truncated and delayed the trial.

In January this year, the police asked the court presided over by Justice Wiredu to allow the parties to settle the case out of court, but she declined the request and commenced trial.

Mr Iddrisu was led in evidence by Mr Anyenini, and crossed examined by Mrs Asiama.

The court adopted his witness statement, and adjourned the case to Tuesday, January 31.

On February 1, the court acceded the request of the GPS when they came with another proposal to have the settlement done out of court.

Justice Wiredu advised the parties against taking entrenched positions in trying to reach a settlement.

But two months later, the IGP informed the court he wanted the trial continued.

Mr Iddrisu and his employers sued the IGP and the AG for GH¢10 million in compensatory damages for alleged assault on the journalist, on March 27, 2018.

The defendants filed their statement of defence and indicated that they would not object any of the issues that the plaintiffs wanted the court to set down for trial.

The court adopted all the issues filed by the plaintiffs for trial and asked the parties to file their witness statements.

Multimedia Group Limited, the second plaintiff, said that Mr Iddrisu was assaulted in line of duty on the day of the incident.

Mr Iddrisu said he angrily shouted at "to get off " for asking a harmless question to assist him make an accurate report of the event.

Plaintiff said that he was embarrassed and put in fear of harm by the threatening conduct of the police personnel who was standing by a police crowd control vehicle, which plaintiff enquired to know the specific name for same.

Mr Iddrisu said the police personnel, whose identity was yet to be known, violently held him (Mr Iddrisu) by his shirt, pulled and slapped him in the face.

The plaintiff fell on the ground whilst other policemen subjected him to severe beatings and allegedly used the butt of a gun to hit Mr Iddrisu several times in the head.

The case has been adjourned to May 12.

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