Ghana: Police Arrest Man for Allegedly Assaulting ECG Staff

The police have arrested a 50-year old Aluminum fabricator, Agbezuke Seyram, for allegedly assaulting Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) staff at Obeyeyie in the Amasaman Municipality in Accra.

The incident occurred when a team of ECG staff visited the premises of suspect as part of the company's ongoing exercise, to audit customer service connections, identify illegalities and retrieve unpaid bills owed the company.

According to a statement issued by the Accra West Region of the ECG and copied to the Ghanaian Times, in Accra, yesterday, the team inquired from Mr Seyram the basis for the illegality, after discovering that he was engaged in power stealing.

Mr Seyram protested, threatened the ECG team, and invited a group of men believed to be land guards to the scene, when the team attempted to disconnect power to his premises.

"They threatened and manhandled the team before shoving them out of the premises, severely injuring a staff in the process," the statement added.

As such, the Acting ECG Accra West Regional General Manager, Angelina Anno, has bemoaned incidents of threats and attacks on staff of the company while they carried out their legitimate duties.

She gave the assurance that in collaboration with security personnel, the company would ensure that staff always worked in a congenial atmosphere.

Ms Anno warned that the full legal might of the ECG would be assembled against anyone who impeded the smooth work of staff of the company.

She therefore, advised customers to desist from engaging in illegal connections as they affected the financial fortunes of the company and delayed the rollout of a system to improve service delivery.

The Accra West region has eight operational districts: Ablekuma, Achimota, Amasaman, Bortianor, Dansoman, Kaneshie, Korle-Bu and Nsawam

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