Liberia: Lutheran Church Witch - Hunting People On Accountability

The Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Liberia, Rt. Rev. Victor G. Padmore upon his coronation at the St. Peters Lutheran Church in July 2022, spoke about accountability. He set up an asset verification team to verify the properties, materials, and account of the Lutheran Church in Liberia.

Fortunately, the cashier Nathaniel Nyema, and the Accountant Mitchell Tokpah were caught on the web with over US$50,000.00 being stolen by both of them. At present, the case is still in the corridor and both of them appeared to work and pay said money. Bishop Padmore's administration sole all the cars assigned to the General Secretary, Bishop Assistant, and Treasurer. At the president, there are no vehicles for the use of the central administration staff besides him the Bishop.

Mr. Benedict Kerkulah, the former president of the National Lutheran Church Men Fellowship collected more than US$4,000.00 from the various Districts and Parishes of the Lutheran Church in Liberia for the purpose of buying a vehicle for the men fellowship but said the money was squandered by him.

Due to the public outcry from the men, Mr. Kerkulah Brother, Auther Loyoun promised to pay back the money to the fellowship. He paid US$1000.00 in 2020 and 2021. The balance of money could not be paid by him. Mr. Kerkulah at the 21st Annual Convention of the National Lutheran Church Men Fellowship in Bopolu, appealed for the men to waive the balance of US$3000 in the presence of the Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Liberia Victor Padmore, the convention passed a resolution to waive said money.

But, Rev. Oretha Miller-Davis, in 2016 initiated the Luther FM process through the Reformation celebration and generated a little over US$3,000.00. Due to some financial constraints with the Monrovia District LCL for Rev. Davis was serving as Dean and Rev. Lewis G. Mckay the current Bishop Assistant serving as Assistant Dean used some of the money for church purposes as followed: US$400.00 was used for Executive Council Meeting in Marri Camp Bomi County for feeding, lodging, and transportation of delegates, US$200 for the barrier of the former District Men President Bro Choloply, US$150 for Rev. Lewis Mckay allowance and US$350 for Rev. Davis allowance amounted to $1,100.00.

The Monrovia District under the unpopular Deanship of Rev. Tolbert Jallah, who is the head of the Justice and Peace Network with a fat salary, and an assigned pastor at the All Saints Lutheran with also a fat salary in the tone (US$200.00) and his Deacon, Deacon Smithwood Freeman, a medical Doctor in training is pay L$6000.00, cruelty to the highest Degree. Rev. Jallah influenced the Delegates at the Monrovia District Convention for Rev. Davis to pay the US$1,100.00 which was used for church purposes and she paid right on the spot.

Bishop Padmore who preached accountability allows the cashier Nathaniel Nyema and the Accountant Mitchell Tokpah to be walking almost sky-free and Benedict Kerkulah who walked sky free and allowed Rev. Davis to pay said amount. Is this the Accountability that Bishop Padmore preached? The members of the Lutheran Church in Liberia are of the strong conviction that Bishop Padmore came to witch-hunt.


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