Liberia: Missing University Student Discovered Dead

Maryland County — A 28-year-old Senior Student of the Tubman University and Resident of Zone-eight Community, Pleebo Sodoken District, Maryland County identified as Amos Wesseh has been discovered dead over a river in Buah District, Grand Kru County.

According to the report, the late Amos Wesseh, left his Zone-eight Residence in Pleebo City, Maryland on March 4, 2023 to transport his sister's goods to Mamako, Sinoe County on his private motorbike, but since then, he has not been seen until his lifeless body was discovered over a river on Saturday, March 25, 2023 in Buah District, Grand Kru County.

Speaking to a team of reporters, Veronica Wesseh, one of his older sisters said, when her brother arrived in Barclayville, the Capital of Grand Kru County, he informed her via mobile phone.

Commenting further, she said, after he passed by Barclayville, a heavy downpour of rain made him stop at a roadside tent to protect the goods, including baking flour and sugar from the rain.

The distance from the tent to the nearby town, Geeken is about an hour's walk, she said. But since the last call, Veronica said the family has not gotten in contact with her brother and he is nowhere to be seen.

Something she said created fear among the family and some residents, including his colleagues at Tubman University.

Miss Wesseh explained that in the wake of the incident, the police at the Geeken checkpoint confirmed that they saw four men at midnight carrying two motorbikes with one of the bikes belonging to her missing brother. And one of the men, she said, was identified by the police as a local businessman in the area who sells cow meat but was arrested by the police.

Due to the intensiveness of the situation, the Police in Maryland and Grand Kru Counties launched a joint search to rescue the mission of the missing Amos Wesseh.

The police search which consisted of 50 men from both Maryland and Grand Kru Counties was aimed at rescuing missing Amos Wesseh alive but on the contrary, gained no fruit.

Sources narrated that the 28-year-old lifeless body was discovered in a nearby river on Saturday, March 25, 2023, in Grand Kru County.

Sources continued that several parts were allegedly attracted from the lifeless body of the late Amos Wesseh.

According to eyewitnesses, those parts attracted include his anus, eye, and ear among others.

Meanwhile, the Liberia National Police Grand Kru detachment has launched an investigation into the mysterious death of the late Amos Wesseh, noting any perpetrator involved will be brought to book.

It can be recalled in 2022, a 38-year-old woman got missing in Wlowien Town, Karluway District, Maryland County. She was discovered alive after fourteen days but died one month later.

The death of Student Amos Wesseh from the College of Education at Tubman University in Harper City, Maryland County puts fear in the lives of many Residents in both Grand Kru and Maryland Counties.

At the same time, several Citizens who went to sympathize with the family of the late Amos Wesseh said mysterious deaths and disappearance of innocent people in Maryland County is an age-old problem and as such needs serious attention.

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