Liberia: Tradition or Constitution?


Bong County: It seems like the newly appointed Deputy Director for Administration at the Liberia Civil Aviation Authority, George Mulbah believes in tradition rather than the constitution; the most powerful book that governs the state.

This stems from a recent statement he made on Radio Gbarnga that has raised public outcry in almost every part of the county.

Recently, the former District #3 Lawmaker described some aspirants in Bong County as migrants who do not understand the traditional history of the county.

Mulbah said some of those aspiring for legislative seats in the County do not have any traditional attachment with Bong County but are trooping in to contest for positions they do not even merit.

"Some of them do not have any ideas or they don't know our tradition, but they are running coming because they want power. You need to be careful; you can't support someone who does not know your tradition. They are migrants."

"These are the people who would destroy the county if they are elected. So, you need to be very careful as voters" Mulbah adds.

Johnny Kpeke Sr. is one of the main aspirants who is being criticized for coming from Lofa County to contest in Bong.

Many people believe that Mr. Mulbah referring to Johnny's candidacy but he, however, did not call names during his Radio Gbarnga's interview.

His statement about traditional attachment is completely contrary to the country's constitution as there is absolutely nothing in the constitution that talks about traditional attachments before one can contest an elected position.

Article 30 of the 1986 constitution gives the right to citizens of the country who meet the labeled qualifications to contest in the country.

Article 30 a. states "For the senate, one has to attain the age of 30 years and for the House of Representative 25 years.

"B" of the same article states that the Contestants should "be domiciled in the country or constituency to be represented not less than one year prior to the time of the election and be a taxpayer"

Even though he is an Attorney at Law, Mr. Mulbah is being criticized for completely ignoring this article of the constitution by telling citizens of Bong County to go for someone who has traditional attachment.

On the other hand, George Mulbah has already declared support for the People's Unification Party official and District #5 Representative Edward Karfiah who is contesting for the senatorial seat.

It would be a two house-race for Bong County's 2023 Senatorial position between Representative Karfiah and Kpehe.

Senator Prince K Moye has not openly declared support for Kpehe but almost all of his office staffers and well known supporters are already in line with Kpehe's senatorial bid despite having incumbent Senator, Dr. Henrique Tokpa (the man considered as the father of Prince K. Moye) in the election.

Aspirant Johnny Kpehe has, however, cautioned leaders and residents of the county against divisive and tribal politics.

Kpehe said tribal politics undermine democracy and further place the country in the gab of instability; adding that if Bong County and Liberia should continue to enjoy its existing peace, there should be no room for tribalism in the country's slowly growing democracy.

"The constitution is very clear about who to contest, the standard is set for those contesting for the Representative, Senate and President positions so I want to caution you all to look up to what the constitution says rather than listening to people who want to divide you for little or nothing" Kpehe adds.

He added that aspirants vying for elected positions at the district and county levels should present a plight that will have positive impacts on the lives of the suffering massive instead of hate messages that will tear apart the County's sustainable peace.

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