Liberia: Dr. Whapoe Accuses Weah, CDC of Sycophancy

Opposition Vision for Liberia Transformation Party (VOLT) political leader Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe has accused the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and President George Manneh Weah of sycophancy.

Speaking Saturday, 8 April 2023 at the Mohammed Sesay Intellectual Forum in Breweville, the presidential hopeful vowed that his administration will not bow down to sycophancy.

According to Dr. Whapoe, the CDC government headed by President Weah is very sycophantic and corrupt to the point it allegedly accepts everything to satisfy its greed and selfish desires.

"My administration will not bow down to sycophancy. Our government is becoming more and more sycophantic, that anything they can accept," Dr. Whapoe alleged.

"This CDC government is very corrupt and desperate for power, that's why they are always after their selfish desire instead of what brings joy and happiness to [the] majority," he claimed.

According to him, this is because Liberians have dropped their expectation bar for leaders to the point that anything they do or give can satisfy the citizenry.

"Even when they are riding their own air-conditioning car, we can say the man car is not easy. Now my question [is], how does that man's car put bread on your table?" Dr. Whapoe


Dr. Whapoe wondered how can someone steal one million dollars from their citizens and the citizens who are given fifty cents in return think that their leaders are helping them.

He accused President Weah's government of allegedly mismanaging the country's resources and inflicting poverty on the people.

The VOLT political leader suggested that there is a need to replace the CDC government with a better leadership.

He narrated that a leader should be able to solve problems, something he said is the fundamental principle and responsibility of any leader.

Whapoe argued that any leader who can't identify a problem and solve it is not a leader. Instead, he said that person will increase the existing problems of those being led.

"This government that we have today was not prepared to come to power to lead us. They were not prepared and they will never be prepared," said Whapoe.

"What government can come to power before they draft the policy that they will lead you with? That is what exactly this CDC government did."

According to him, the CDC came to power three months before they went to Gbanga, Bong County to draft their policy to lead the country.

He suggested that if they were serious, they would have written their policy several years earlier while they were in the opposition.

"Leadership is a science, an exact science. A poor leader is that person who always begs for [a] second change and term," said Whapoe.

"When I become President of Liberia, I will not ask you for [a] second chance, rather, it's you that will ask me for that. I will not ask you for [a] second chance because I know and understand the problems of Liberia and so from day one I know what to do," he added.

Dr. Whopoe promised to start solving Liberia's problems from day-one of his administration.

"Liberia's problems are many but embedded into one thing. Liberia's major problem is poverty. You can disagree with me but that is the reason we have dropped our expectations bar against our leader," the VOLT political leader argued.

He said he wants to solve Liberia's problems from the root or source. He added that Liberians' expectation bar is low that they can take money, shirts and food from people that can take six years or nine years from them.

He urged Liberians to raise their expectation bar, adding that there is nothing that he can't do for Liberia.

"We can change things for the better in this country and end poverty. All we need to do and it's my concern, we will engage [in] agriculture."

He detailed that his vision is to take farmers from cutless to machines. Also, Dr. Whapoe said his goal is to make farmers become millionaires.

"We can achieve that because once we are growing our own food, we can now be able to stop the importing and the money will remain in our country," he concluded.

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