Liberia: 'We're Indomitable, Unconquerable'

--Weah brags CDC's strength

President George Manneh Weah has bragged that his ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) remains 'indomitable and unconquerable' after six political parties surrendered to the CDC.

"I predict that our Grand Coalition will be an indomitable force in the upcoming October presidential and legislative elections across the country," said President during the ceremony held at the Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) headquarters in Paynesville over the weekend.

The ceremony on Saturday, 8 April 2023 came as Liberia prepares for a crucial presidential and legislative election due 10 October this year.

The six political parties that crossed over to the CDC are the Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE), the People's Liberation Party (PLP), Union of Liberian Democrats (ULD), United People Party (UPP), the Change Democratic Coalition (CDA), and Redemption Democratic Congress (RDC).

The ruling Coalition is made up of President Weah's Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor's National Patriotic Party (NPP), and former House Speaker Alex Tyler's Liberia People Democratic Party (LPDP).

The six new political parties have beefed up the CDC's strength to nine political parties.

Incumbent President Weah said it shows how serious Liberians are for a better Liberia, adding that the merger of the parties tells the significance of the strength of the CDC.

He described the CDC as the choice of the people, a masses' party since its foundation.

He said the CDC will remain a party of the people, and the citizen's party. "Now, therefore, as you have been baptized, you have to behave as Coalition members by following the realm of the standard bearer," President Weah mandated the new converts.

Mr. Weah vowed an overwhelming one-round victory in the forthcoming presidential and legislative elections to ensure that the people's developmental quests are achieved.

Mr. Weah also pledged his unwavering commitment to the Liberian people, indicating that his government will continue to tailor developments as paramount to attend to the needs of the citizenry.

He expressed joy in the Liberian people for always reposing confidence in the Coalition "even as oppressors and opposition have ganged up against us."

"Let me stress how excited I am that you have placed your trust in the CDC which signifies that you believe that our vision for this nation alings with yours," said President Weah.

By joining the CDC, President Weah suggested that the six political parties are under a patriotic duty to nationhood and assured them that the CDC will make sure that they are welcome and will feel comfortable in their new political home.

Mr. Weah pledged the CDC's continuous support to working with everyone, saying the party is formed to be in the interest of the Liberian people.

He added that the CDC will acquaint the newly admitted political parties with its principles and ideologies as they all work collaboratively to achieve their shared goals.

He used the time to reaffirm the commitment of the CDC to abide by all tripartite agreements that govern the Coalition.

On behalf of the six political parties, MOVEE Political Leader and Liberia's Foreign Minister Dee Maxwell Saah Kemayah stressed that the decision to join forces with the CDC was in the realization of the many developments the government has carried out.

"For example, instead of two third of our partisans (MOVEE) supporting this cause, it was a unanimous decision by all of our supporters to join the CDC," said Kemayah.

Amb. Kemayan further expressed an unwavering commitment to the leadership of President Weah and to do everything to secure his re-election.

Also speaking, the political leader of the PLP, Mr. Tapple Doe, acknowledged the good leadership of the CDC. He said he galvanized his supporters to ensure President Weah is re-elected in a one-round victory and make Liberia a better place.

Also speaking, CDC Secretary General and Monrovia Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee said the admittance of the six political parties is a clear manifestation that CDC is a serious-minded political institution which is interested in growth and development of Liberia.

"We want to use this medium to salute the six political parties and their supporters for taking the bold step in joining ranks with the CDC," Koijee said.

"Today we are here to listen to the plight of the people, the convergence here today got absolutely nothing to do with the three constituent parties that make the CDC," he added.

Koijee noted that the decision of the six political parties to join the CDC was predicated upon the many development initiatives taking place across the country.

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