Liberia: 'We Want to Bury Our Daughter'

-Musu Family writes government

The family of the late Charloe Musu has officially requested the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Justice, to turn over their daughter's body for funeral arrangements and burial.

Over ten family members of the deceased, including Justice Gloria Musu Scott and the father of the late Charloe Musu, on Thursday, April 6, 2023, walked to the Ministry of Justice with a communication addressed to Justice Minister and Attorney General, Frank Musah Dean, in which they note that the conduct of a recent autopsy by the State was for the purpose of establishing, scientifically, the cause of death, following which Pathologist Dr. Benedict Kulee informed the family and the public that the autopsy report would have been released in two weeks.

The communication continues that with the passage of time and giving the grief and pain the family is enduring, they want the government to turn the body over for funeral.

"Honorable Minister, the object of the request is to bury Charloe, so that her body and remains will be finally laid to rest with the decency, dignity, honor and respect she deserves, and in keeping with our tradition and custom; considering the violent and gruesome nature of her death," the communication reads.

The family has also reminded the government through the Ministry of Justice, that up to present, their request for the report of the Coroner's examination of February 27, 2023, and profile of Pathologist Dr. Kulee are yet to be responded to by the government.

Meanwhile, three of the four family members who observed the conduct of the autopsy at the St. Moses' Funeral Home on March 21, 2023, have quoted Dr. Kulee as making some very disturbing remarks in the autopsy room.

J. Wodemle Elliott, uncle; Michael B. Stemn, brother; and Dwede Musu, aunty to the deceased, revealed that upon their alarm that part of the late Charloe Musu's hair was missing or rooted out of her head, the Pathologist, surprisingly and disdainfully asserted that no criminal would go to a house to steal and be fighting to remove hair from someone's head.

Dwede Musu, aunty of the deceased, who first raised the alarm about the missing plait of hair, expressed shock over the alleged remarks by the Pathologist who she added, should be purely a medical person and a neutral professional.

She said like the Coroner did on the 27th of February, 2023, the Pathologist too, examined the body including private parts of the deceased and told those present in the room that there was nothing wrong with her private parts.

Speaking to reporters earlier, Mr. Nathaniel Toe, former Development Superintendent of Maryland County and uncle of the deceased repeated the family's concern about the government's refusal or delay in releasing the Coroner's examination report on the remains of their daughter.

Mr. Toe said the disturbing discoveries on the body of their daughter during the autopsy, have increased their suspicion about the government's refusal to release the Coroner's report or share a copy with the family.

Toe recalled that the Musu Family was only permitted to view the front part of the body of the late Charloe at the St. Moses' Funeral Parlor along with members of the press and civil society before the conduct of the autopsy, but the pathologist refused to allow them to view the back side of their daughter's body; however, during the conduct of the autopsy, he said Dr. Kulee turned the body around, at which time it was discovered that the deceased's underpants (backings) were removed and part of her hair extracted from her head, amid the political conspiracy theory by the ruling CDC that Cllr. Scott killed the girl for ritual purposes.

He described as embarrassing, the government's refusal to release the Coroner's examination report for more than a month, but instead, found it so easy to have released a preliminary report of the autopsy in which the State attributed the cause of death to "severe bleeding or loss of blood as a result of multiple stabbing."

Toe restated the family's earlier position that refusal of the government to release the Coroner's report, or share a copy with the family, leaves enough grounds to believe that the physical examination conducted by the Coroner of Montserrado County on the body did not find the extraction of hair and other strange things the family noticed during the conduct of the autopsy.

Tragedy hit the home of Liberia's former Chief Justice Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott, when men believed to be armed robbers, invaded her home, brutally killed her daughter, and wounded another victim.

Sources say the gruesome attack on Wednesday night, 22 February 2023 was the third in a series of alleged armed robbery attacks at the former Chief Justice's residence in Brewerville, Montserrado County after she

is said to have repeatedly complained about her home being invaded by suspects believed to be armed robbers, but there was no sign that the authorities here took preventive measures to deter this tragedy.

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