Liberia: Students Laud Cummings

Students of the Light Academy Model School System in Marshall, Margibi Country, have lauded the Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Alexander B. Cummings, for his exceptional vision, especially for the attainment of quality education and pledged to support him in all endeavors.

The students, along with school authorities, said they have followed with keen interest, Mr. Cummings' pronouncements and strong commitment to improve the quality of education which, they said is in line with their school's objectives.

The Light Academy Model School System established in 2013, has an enrollment of 930 students, offering also free vocational education to senior high school students.

The school, established by Rev. Tailey Garden, has been granted permission by Liberia's High Commission for Higher Education to operate at the college level.

The CPP Standard Bearer said he was inspired by the deportment and smartness of students of the Light Academy, and their strive for quality education at the institution. He thanked the school authorities and students for the invitation extended him to interact with them. He complimented the students' quest for knowledge, which he said is critical to the upbringing of young people as future leaders.

Cummings reaffirmed his commitment, upon his election as Liberia's next President, to the attainment of quality education in schools nationwide. He said a CPP Government will commit to ensuring professionally trained teachers, with better salaries and incentives that will attract qualified and competent Liberians into the educational system of Liberia.

Cummings said just as women are considered Liberia's backbone and foundation, so are young people considered the future leaders, deserving of quality education to best prepare them.

He stressed the dire need for students to seriously consider Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math courses. He informed the audience that the CPP will pursue a two-track education system with emphasis on attaining university degrees or vocational certifications.

The CPP Standard Bearer said the attainment of quality education would also require enforcement of other basic standards including the quality of educational materials and classroom sizes conducive for learning.

Cummings said with the look of things, Liberia is proceeding in the wrong direction, requiring all Liberians of voting age to fully participate in the pending October 10 general and presidential elections.

He warned that no amount of wishful thinking or talking will change Liberia, but rather through hard work, sacrifice and breaking away from the age-old ways of doing things.

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