Liberia: House Commends Citizens

press release

The House of Representatives expresses gratitude to Liberians, who participated in Phase One of the Biometric Voter Registration exercise.

"Your commitment to this exercise has been instrumental in ensuring the success of this crucial process", it says in a press release.

The House recognizes that the registration exercise is a fundamental aspect of the electoral process, as it lays the foundation for credible and transparent elections.

It notes that willingness of citizens from Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu and Margibi counties to take part in this exercise demonstrates their commitment to ensuring that the country's democratic processes are upheld and respected.

At the same time the House extends gratitude to the Government, political parties, civil society organizations, religious leaders, and the media for demonstrating unwavering support and cooperation during this process, adding "Your participation and support have been invaluable in ensuring that the registration exercise was conducted in a transparent, peaceful, and orderly manner."

It also thanks registration officials and staff of the National Elections Commission for their hard work and dedication to the process, which the August body observes, were critical in ensuring that the registration exercise was conducted efficiently, effectively, and with the highest level of professionalism.

Meanwhile, the House encourages citizens in counties where the second phase of the BVR exercise is scheduled to begin on April 21 through May 11 to come out to register.

"Voter registration is a fundamental aspect of our electoral process, and it is through this process that Liberians can exercise their right to vote and make their voices heard.

By registering to vote, you have the power to help shape the future of our country and choose leaders who will work towards a better Liberia for us all", the release concludes.

Liberians are gearing up for presidential and legislative polls on October 10th in which President George Weah is seeking a second term.

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