Liberia: Chinese Medical Team Conducts Free Surgical Treatment in Grand Bassa

The People's Republic of China through its medical team has completed a two-day free medical outreach service for over four hundred patients in Wayzohn City, Grand Bassa County.

This free clinic provided free diagnosis and treatment services for local community residents in internal medicine, cardiology, general surgery, dental surgery, traditional Chinese medicine (acupuncture), ultrasound, and basic health care.

With a total of about 400 patients, more than 600 boxes of various drugs and more than 500 copies of various health promotion products were distributed.

The free medical two-day medical outreach started from April 7-8 and it was the result of an invitation from Mr. Vincent S.T. Willie, ll, Representative of Grand Bassa County to the China medical team.

The initiative was sponsored and supported by the Chinese Embassy in Liberia. They provided great help for the two free clinics.

During the initiative, Mr. Xu Kun, Chargé d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Liberia, Gou Fei, and Li Haolei, secretary of the Embassy, Governor of Grand Bassa County, and Mr. Gao Feng, visited the medical team at the free clinic.

Wayzohn City is located in the hinterland of the forest in Grand Bassa County. The town's transportation infrastructure is weak.

During the long rainy season, transportation between the community and the outside world is more inconvenient, including the difficulty to support drugs and other materials, and the shortage of drugs often occurs.

There are a large number of uncontrolled treatment cases of hypertension and malaria, which seriously affect the health, production, and life of residents.

Remarking during the outreach, the head of the China Medical Team Wang Liang expressed thanks and appreciation to Representative Willie and the community residents for their full trust in the medical team.

"The medical team will earnestly practice President Xi's instructions and make [a] greater contribution to the building of a community of human health and the friendship between China and Liberia."

In August 2022, the China medical team was invited to the region to provide a free medical clinic to more than 450 residents, which was warmly welcomed by the residents.

For his part, Grand Bassa County Electoral District #4 Representative Vincent S. T Willie expressed excitement and appreciation to the Chinese government through its Embassy in Monrovia for providing its medical team to treat residents freely.

He said that last year, the China medical team's free clinic in the town caused widespread concern and a huge sensation, something that many wish to always happen.

"Residents have a strong desire and call for Chinese doctors to come to the clinic again. I want to thank them for accepting my invitation again, and choosing, before the rainy season, to drive more than four hours from Monrovia to deliver the precious medicine to the people in need, which will greatly help these patients," he said.

According to the Grand Bassa lawmaker, the actions fully show that China is sincerely helping Liberia and that China is a responsible major country in the international community.

Also speaking, Mr. Xu Kun, Chargé d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Liberia, said, this year marks the 60th anniversary of China sending medical teams to developing countries.

According to the characteristics of local epidemiology, combined with the last diagnosis of the disease spectrum of the region, the China medical team adjusted the types of drugs in this free clinic.

It mainly increased the anti-hypertensive drugs, antibiotics, antimalarial drugs, antipyretic analgesics, and proportion.

Speaking during the medical outreach, Mamie Zeon expressed excitement and appreciation to the Chinese doctors for coming to their aid and treating them freely.

"I came in line early for Chinese doctors to treat me. They said I had malaria, gave me and my family antimalarial drugs, and told us how to prevent malaria."

She said last year, a Chinese doctor treated her eyes and gave her some free medicine so that she would not go blind.

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