Liberia: Murvee Gray Wants Unity Party Partisans Take Him Over Miller Catakaw to Contest in Montserrado County District 9

Monrovia — Murvee Gray, former Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Youth and Sports is calling on partisans of the Unity Party to reject Miller Catakaw and elect him at the upcoming party's primary adding that Catakaw is not the preferred candidate of the district as he has represented the party several times and lost.

Gray, a Unity Party Stewart speaking in an exclusive interview with FrontPage Africa (FPA) said in 2005 he was rejected at the Unity Party's primary.

"In 2011, I went to the primary. Miller Catakaw was not the preferred choice of the party but they decided to give him the opportunity and told me to step aside and I became his campaign manager," Gray said.

In 2017, Catakaw ran on a Unity Party ticket and lost to the late Representative Munah Pelham Youngblood.

After the death of Representative Youngblood in 2020, Catakaw again ran for the Montserrado County District #9 seat and lost to Frank Saah Forko.

Gray in response says putting Catakaw back on the party's ticket will be no use adding that it will only make Unity Party lose the district seat.

According to Gray, partisans of the Unity Party should give him the chance at the party's primary.

"I want to be on the party ticket. I have been talking to the elders in the district. I have been talking to the leadership of the district. I have applied for the primary and I think I can do better that is why I'm begging Unity Party to give me one chance," Gray said.

He added: "We can not continue to give one man all the opportunities we have given him several opportunities and he had lost all those opportunities and so we cannot mortgage the district this time around. We must deliver the district and I can deliver this district."

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