Liberia: 'We're Prepared for Any Threat'

--Police allay fears over ammunition discovery

Police authorities in Monrovia have assured citizens and residents that they are prepared to respond to any threat, in an attempt to allay fears following a recent discovery of ammunition.

At a press conference held Tuesday, 11 April 2023 to address reports of the continuous discovery of ammunition across the country, Police Spokesman Moses Carter warned that it would be a mistake for anyone to think they can destabilize Liberia.

"We are ready to respond to any threat. You can take that from me. We are prepared to respond to any threat. And so if anyone is sitting somewhere and thinking that they can destabilize Liberia, you are making fun. You will have us to contend with," said Carter.

He further assured Liberians that the police are fully prepared to respond to any threat and violence during the pending October 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

Carter told reporters that the elections are a moment that will determine whether the country remains peaceful or descend into a chaotic situation.

"Liberia remains a civil nation. These elections are very crucial. It's crucial to the extent where it determines whether Liberia remains peaceful or Liberia results to [a] chaotic situation," he explained.

"And under our watch as a joint security, we will not tolerate or hesitate to ensure that anyone who attempts to undermine the rule of law will be made to face the full weight of the law," Carter added.

According to him, it's the responsibility of the citizens to protect the peace and democracy of this nation, and he can assure Liberians that no man or woman can undermine the peace of the country.

A reporter confronted Carter about an alleged claim by the opposition that the government here is responsible for allegedly smuggling arms and ammunition into the country to intimidate and instill fear during and after the elections.

In response to this claim, Mr. Carter indicated that the police's work is not politics, but they are security people.

According to him, their job is basically to investigate with the aims and objectives of establishing a fact and circumstances leading to an incident.

"Our work is not based on speculation. Our work is not based on hearsay and they say. When matters are forwarded to court, they are ... [based] on facts," Mr. Carter stated.

He explained that if any political actor or whosoever has any information tangible to the investigation with facts, they should work with the police.

"The peace and stability of the state [are] in all of us hands," he cautioned.

The police spokesman said if Liberia gets destabilized tomorrow, it's not one group of people that will get affected.

Rather, he said it's all Liberians that will be affected, thus urging that all hands should be on deck irrespective of political persuasion, ethnic, or religious background.

Mr. Carter pointed out that it's time that all work together to consolidate the peace in Liberia so that the United Nations' efforts in Liberia will not go in vain.

He stated that the joint security headed by the LNP will be very robust throughout the election process.

Carter said Liberia has had enough violence and experienced the toughest time. He believes therefore that no well-meaning Liberian is interested in having this country plunged into a chaotic situation.

"So, I can assure you that we are ready to contain any situation. And trust me, like you are hearing of [this] ammunition discovery, whenever we have information our intelligence is all wild," Carter explained.

"There are those who are sitting out there and thinking that they will operate and we will not know. Trust me, you will be making a sad mistake. Our intelligence is very, very effective."

He warned that anyone who intends to undermine the peace and stability of the state will not go with impunity, but will be made to face the full weight of the law.

He disclosed that Liberia's border patrol is very effective despite some challenges.

He noted that those challenges are being worked on.

" But, I can tell you like I said that our intelligence are very good. Recently, we announced to you about the arms and ammunition at the Freeport of Monrovia and Brewerville," he said.

"That is the work of the intelligence. Today, we are telling you again about the discovery of [the] ammunition, [and] intelligence in Nimba County. With that, you can rest assured that our work will continue," he stated.

He urged all well-meaning Liberians to inform the police whenever they have intelligence, and what they know will promote the peace and stability of the State.

Mr. Carter continued that if any Liberian has any information on discovery of ammunition or anything that could potentially undermine the peace of the state, they should inform the police.

He said police are investigating the matter discovery of ammunition in Nimba County.

"The LNP is investigating a huge ammunition of AK47 and GMG recently discovered in Ganta, Nimba County through a 16-year-old minor who was cleaning his parents' backyard," he said.

He said when the issue was reported, the police immediately responded and took seize of the ammunition.

"Joint security will do nothing or will not hesitate to go out there to protect the peace and stability of the state," he concluded.

Over one thousand rounds of ammunition have been discovered in Blagay Town community, Ganta, Nimba County, causing unease among residents.

The ammunition, totaling one thousand ninety-three pieces, is believed to be AK-47 and GMG rounds along with seven empty shells. They were turned over to the Ganta Police detachment.

Nimba County was the birthplace of the 1989 rebel incursion in Liberia by jailed former Liberian president Charles Taylor, thru Butuo, a border town.

Liberians have said they are living in extreme fear because the constant discovery of guns across the country looks somehow sinister and political. They have accused the government of allegedly refusing to bring any culprit to book.

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