Liberia: Resignations or Bluffs?

At least 20 appointed officials have resigned from President George Manneh Weah's government to contest for elected positions this October, leaving many here to wonder if these officials are on a bluffing spree.

Last month, Mr. Weah mandated all appointed officials of the government aspiring to contest elective positions in the pending 10 October 2023 presidential and legislative elections to resign on or before 7 April 2023.

His order was contained in Executive Order #117 issued Tuesday, 14 March 2023 consistent with amended Sections 5.2 and 10.2 of the 2014 Code of Conduct enacted, approved, and printed in handbills on 19 December 2022.

Following the presidential order, those who have relinquished their position include seven senior government officials.

City mayors, managing directors, and inspectors are among the officials who have quit appointed jobs, while the rest are deputy ministers and assistant superintendents.

Mr. Duanna Kamara, former Managing Director of Liberia Water Sewer Corporation has resigned to contest for a representative seat in Bomi County.

Madam Josephine W.A. Davies, former Inspector General at the Ministry of Commerce has also resigned to battle for a representative seat in Montserrado County Electoral District #10.

Mr. Moses Y. Kollie, former Director General of Liberia Civil Aviation Authority has resigned to pursue his senatorial bid in Lofa County.

Former Bopolu City Mayor Mr. Zinnah Norman has also resigned to contest for Gbarpolu County Electoral District #1 Representative seat.

Madam Ellen Blessing Howe, former City Mayor of Harper City, Maryland County, is aspiring for a representative seat in Harper District, Maryland County.

Mr. Tiah Nagbe, former Executive Director of the National Identification Registry, is aspiring for a senatorial seat in Maryland County, and the former Commissioner of Louisiana Township, Montserrado County, Mr. Edward R. Dartue, is a representative hopeful for Montserrado Electoral District #1.

Other officials who have resigned include Mr. Lance K. Gbagonyon, former Deputy Minister for Culture at the Ministry of Information. He is seeking to contest for Nimba County Electoral District #7 representative seat.

General Services Agency's former Deputy Director General for Administration Mr. William V. Dakel is seeking the representative seat for Montserrado County District #17.

Former Deputy Minister of State Without Portfolio, Mr. Anthony J. Quiwonkpa is seeking the representative seat for Nimba County Electoral District #3, and Madam Ruth Sawmadal, former Assistant Minister for Administration, Ministry of Internal Affairs, is seeking River Cess County Electoral District #2 representative seat.

Additionally, Madam Barbara M. Keah, former Assistant Superintendent of Sinoe County, has resigned to contest as representative for Sinoe County electoral District #1.

Former Assistant Minister for Energy, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Mr. William T. Thompson, II, has resigned to contest for Bong County Electoral District #5 representative seat, and Mr. Myer M. Beteah, former Deputy Managing Director, National Transit Authority, has resigned to run for representative of Montserrado County Electoral District #14.

And Madam Kebbeh Forpka Collins, former Board Member at the Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation, stepped down to contest in Montserrado County Electoral District #7.

Mr. Charles K. Bardyl, former Board Member of the National Port Authority (NPA) has also resigned to contest for senator in River Gee County.

Madam Betty Breeze Doh, former Assistant Superintendent for Development, Grand Gedeh County, is seeking the representative seat for Grand Gedeh County Electoral District #3.

Mr. Eric Vaye, former Assistant Superintendent for Fiscal Affairs, Montserrado County, has resigned to contest the representative seat in Montserrado Electoral District #5 to replace Thomas Fallah.

Additionally, Mr. Edwin K. Korpolu, former Assistant Statutory District Superintendent for Development, Gbarpolu County, has resigned to contest for Gbarpolu County Electoral District #2 representative seat.

Meanwhile, President George Manneh Weah has accepted the resignation letters of all the officials and a replacement would be made without delay, a dispatch from the Executive Mansion says.

Liberia is currently faced with an array of challenges as it heads into the much-anticipated election this year.

The opposition has criticized the Weah-led regime for infusing hardship on Liberians. Among the issues raised are alleged corruptions, insecurity, ritualistic killings, and slow growth of the economy.

Mr. Weah is seeking a second six years term at the pools due this October. But he will face several opposition leaders including former Liberian vice president Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai, and former Coca-Cola Executive Mr. Alexander B. Cummings.

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