Liberia: Nimbaians Hold Dollar Rally for Weah 2023

Dozens of citizens of the battleground county Nimba, on Friday, April 14, pledged their support to the 2023 presidential bid of incumbent President George Weah during a dollar rally at the Paynesville Town Hall.

The Nimbaians under the banner "Nimba for Weah 2023" assured President Weah and his Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government of their unflinching support ahead of the 2023 October 10, polls.

"We will ensure that you are re-elected during this October 10 election. We have decided to take on this responsibility by hosting this dollar rally to raise our five and ten cents to enable us to take your good message of peace, love, development and excitement to our people in Nimba -in every town, city, and village. This responsibility, we are committed to, and we will ensure that it happens," the group said during a formal program at the Paynesville Town Hall.

Organizers say the dollar rally marks the launch of the "Nimba for Weah 2023" initiative. At least thousands of Liberian and United States Dollars were raised as a statement of intent toward the Weah re-election campaign.

Nimbaians march with mask dancers

Earlier, the Nimbaians marched in their numbers from the GSA Road junction to the Paynesville City Hall, where the indoor program was held.

The program was graced by Nimbaians across the capital-Monrovia including the Chief Elder of Nimba, and Governance Commission Chairperson Garrison Yealue.

During the march, country devil or mask dancers were seen among the marchers as they sang traditional folk songs.

Giving an overview of the program, Mr. Shadrach G. Thomas Dokie, National Chairman of the "Nimba for Weah 2023" explained that the decision to rally such support for Mr. Weah's re-election is driven by the tremendous development the president has undertaken in Nimba.

"We are here to put our dollar together to be able to reach every village to ensure the good message of President Weah reaches every segment of Nimba. This effort will also ensure that President Weah is re-elected through a resounding one-round victory." Mr. Dokie stated.

According to him, they are not doing this because they love President Weah, but because they love Nimba County.

They named ongoing road construction and stable electricity in the county along with good health care as some of the platforms upon which they have pledged their support towards the president's re-election.

Mr. Dokie pointed out that no president in the history of Liberia has done what President Weah has done for Nimba County and its people in just six years.

He explained that the "Nimba for Weah 2023" is the conglomeration of various political parties rallying support for President Weah's re-election and not only the parties within CDC.

He further explained that the initiative taken by his group to rally support for Weah's re-election is to show gratitude for the tremendous development he has carried out in their county.

The vice Chairperson for Media and Communications Madam Daintowon Domah told the audience at the rally that the reelection of President Weah will open more doors for Nimbaians, she did not say which doors.

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