Liberia: Citizens Plead for Boakai-Cummings Ticket Against Weah

Thousands of Liberians have paraded in the streets of Monrovia with placards, calling for a united opposition bloc to defeat President George Weah on October 10th.

Former Maryland County Senator John Ballout led the campaign from the headquarters of the Unity Party on Broad Street to the headquarters of the Collaborative Political Parties on 19th Street in Sinkor to petition the UP Standard Bearer Ambassador Joseph Nyumah Boakai and Mr. Alexander B. Cummings of the CPP to present a united force against President Weah.

"We are petitioning our leaders Amb. Boakai and Cummings to forget about their individual differences and run on a single ticket to redeem our citizens from the calamity the Coalition for Democratic Change regime has imposed on the Nation. This is the best ticket to unseat President Weah and make him a one-term President, so we are

petitioning them to join as one ticket for one-run victory against the CDC-led government in the upcoming October election", the petition reads.

Receiving the document on behalf of the CPP, Chairman Musa Hassan Bility hoped that the political actors would swiftly respond to the plea for a single presidential ticket that would enhance the opposition's chances in the pending election.

Mr. Bility agreed that a single opposition ticket is the right way to go forward in making President George Manneh Weah, a one-term President, adding "A single ticket as Boakai-Cummings, is the best winnable collaboration."

Also receiving another petition on behalf of the opposition Unity Party, UP chairperson for operation, Madam Darblah Manbande Varpilah assured the group on behalf of Amb. Boakai to immediately and positively respond to the request.

"You can rest assured we will not let our people down. We listen to you; we hear your voices, we will work together in a progressive manner to make Weah one-term President", Madam Varpilah promised.

Both leaders were initially part of the CPP that they give birth to along with other leaders in the opposition, but Ambassador Boakai walked away and was joined by others, accusing Mr. Cummings of tempering with the framework document that brought them together, but they failed to prove their allegation in court.

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