Liberia: Peace Island Put Out Challenger to Defeat Rep. Kolubah

Monrovia — With just months to October 10, 2023, Presidential and Legislative Elections in Liberia Controversial Montserrado County District10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah seems to be under pressure by the declaration of vote-rich Peace Island Community Chairman Yeakeh Sayequee.

During the official opening of the Representative Aspirant District office in Peace Island, Congo Town the Montserrado County Representative Hopeful vowed to defeat incumbent Yekeh Kolubah who he said is misrepresenting the citizens of District 10 in the House of Representatives.

Hundreds of citizens in the district attended the official opening of Hon. Yeakeh Sayequee District's office and pledged their unflinching support to his bid of becoming Representative of District Number 10 due to his numerous contributions to the people of the District.

The Montserrado County District District Representative Aspirant is on record of providing more than 14.5 million Liberian Dollars to Marketeers across the District, he has also employed youths of the District at his Sayequee Energy Company and also continues to pay the tuition of many less fortunate students within the district.

The Liberian Business Takun turned Politicians Yeakeh Sayequee is referred to as the humanitarian and David of District Number 10, he got into politics after winning the Peace Island Community with more than 6 thousand Votes first of its kind.

The Montserrado County District 10 Representative Aspirant has promised to electrify the entire Peace Island Community and will extend his empowerment gesture to the 32 Communities.

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