Liberia: PLP Council of County Chairpersons Reject Merger With Ruling CDC

Monrovia — Some county chairpersons of the People's Liberation Party (PLP), have distanced themselves from the recent decision of the Party to join the governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

PLP was among six political parties who recently pledged support for the reelection of President George Manneh Weah and the CDC for the October 2023 elections.

But in a statement released at the weekend under the signature of the PLP Bong County Chair and Chairman of the Council of County Chairpersons, Mr. Jerry Kollie, the county executives said the decision to support the CDC did not meet their consent.

The PLP Council of County Chairpersons said it is not part of the decision with grave implications for the identity and future of the Party.

The council claimed that the decision to take the PLP to the CDC was made by some members of the National Executive Committee without due consultation with or participation of the Council of County Chairpersons.

The statement adds that as far as the Council of County Chairpersons of the PLP is concerned, the CDC, among other things, does not share their party's vision of a corruption-free Liberia, and that as leaders of the PLP across the country, they are displeased with the direction of their country and the suffering of the Liberian people.

Another document signed by nine out of the fifteen chairs of the PLP Council of County Chairpersons so far, under the caption, "Special Convention Observation," outlined several alleged missteps including violation of the party's convention constitution, formulation of the special convention committee, failure to discuss the collaboration framework documents, and exclusion of some county chairpersons, among others.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Council of County Chairpersons of the People's Liberation Party, Mr. Jerry Kollie has cited money influence as the reason behind the alleged minority decision of some executives of the PLP to hurriedly take the party to the CDC.

Mr. Kollie said the decision made by those he calls handful of people, was inspired by cash, and would have no impact on the vast majority of PLP partisans and supporters across the country.

He asserted that the county chairpersons are being joined by other party leaders including some county youth chairpersons to expose those who are marketing the party and destroying the dream of the late Dr. Daniel E. Cassell.

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