Liberia: Court Summons Boakai

--over land dispute

A Liberian court has summoned the main opposition leader and former Liberian Vice President, Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai over a land case.

Through a writ of summon, the Civil Law Court in Monrovia has ordered Mr. Boakai to appear before it on or before 27 April 2023 to answer a petition for the removal of cloud over a title deed filed against him.

Judge Kennedy Peabody's writ of summons was triggered by a complaint filed against Mr. Boakai by Arnold Kandakai who resides in the United States.

Kandakai filed the complaint through his Attorney In-Fact Reginald Bright for a petition for the removal of clouds over the title deed.

Mr. Boakai is the main rival to incumbent President George Manneh Weah in the pending October 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

The 78-year-old lost the 2017 presidential election to Mr. Weah during a run-off, and he is still seen as the major contender in this year's crucial elections.

While it might appear to be a legal fight between two private citizens, this land case filed against Boakai just a few months before elections may draw more political interest than the way civil cases usually do.

And this could be because of the man involved - a former vice president, and the current leader of the main opposition Unity Party (UP).

On Monday, 17 April 2023, the Resident Judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit Kennedy Peabody warned that Mr. Boakai risked arrest if he failed to appear before the court as mandated.

"You are hereby commanded to summon the above-named respondent in the above-entitled [cause] of an action to appear before the March Term, A.D. 2023 [of court], the same being the 20th Day of March A.D. 2023, at the hour of 10.00 Am," write noted.

Further, the court warned that a default judgment will be rendered against Amb. Boakai if he fails to honor the mandate.

The writ of summon was served on the Unity Party standard bearer on Thursday, 13 April 2023.

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