Liberia: Ex-Boyfriend Stabs Woman to Death

Nimba County — A senior female student of Geolinda Community School in LMPC Community, Ganta City, Nimba County has been stabbed to death.

20-year-old Lucelia Gonleseh was pronounced dead by medical Doctor after she was rushed to hospital.

The late student Lucelia Gonleseh met her demise in Ganta over the weekend after reportedly being stabbed multiple times by her former boyfriend.

A mother of one, she was stabbed multiple times in her chest and on her neck by 34-year-old suspect Jefferson Yeakeah Boyer.

The action is believed to have been triggered by jealousy after Suspect Boyer saw her walking with another man in the main street of Ganta towards her home.

The suspect is currently facing police investigation in Sanniqullie City, Nimba after angry mob threatened to set ablaze at the Ganta police station.

The death of the late Lucelia Gonleseh brings to ten, the number of women who have died at the hands of their lovers from domestic violence.

According to an eyewitness, suspect Jefferson Yeakeah Boyer abandoned the deceased in Ganta for Monrovia for a year without any concern or communication.

However, upon his return, he saw his ex-girlfriend walking with another man.

A few months ago, a 33-year-old male resident of New Barracks Community in Sanniqullie, Ernest Gbatoe, stabbed his wife Yei Gargbay, 35, to death, while Grace Menlor, who was a senior student of Youth Academy High School, was also stabbed to death by Prince Tokpah, who later killed himself.

The wife of a former district commissioner, Yei Bontuah, was stabbed to death by her boyfriend along Sanniqullie- Karnplay, while in Gbahn, a month-old baby was raped and subsequently died.

Police sources told the NEW DAWN that over seven women and girls have reportedly suffered death as a result of stabbing, among others.

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