Liberia: GOL Approves Additional U.S.$33, Million for Elections

The Government of Liberia has approved an additional US $ 33 Million for the conduct of the October 10, 2023, Presidential and Legislative Elections.

Previously, there was $ US 20 Million allotted in the National Budget for the conduct of elections in the Country.

Speaking at a news conference in Monrovia, the Chairperson of the National Elections Commission, (NEC), Davidetta Brown-Lansanah noted that with these two appropriations, the total amount for the conduct of the October 2023 Elections is $ US 53 Million.

Madam Lansanah revealed that out of the $ US 53 Million, the Ministry of Finance, Development, and Planning has disturbed the amount of $ US 27 Million.

She informed the Commission's Temporary Staff of the ongoing Voter Registration Process that payment of their honorarium has commenced already.

The NEC's Boss extended thanks and appreciation to Liberians in general for turning out to get registered.

"This is indicative of the high turnout during the First Phase One and the support that field staff received from many owners of properties that ensured the positioning and safety of our staff and BVR Equipment in the field. "We also want to extend thanks and appreciation to the international community, including observers for the feedback that the Commission has been receiving on the BR process, she added."

The Chairperson of NEC also extended thanks and appreciation to the Ministry of Justice through its agencies, the Liberia National Police, (LNP), and Liberia Immigration Service, (LIS), for providing the necessary security measures to have these processes conducted.

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