Nigeria: Nollywood Produced 280 Movies in 2023 First Quarter - Censors Board

25 April 2023

The Executive Director/CEO, National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB), Alhaji Adedayo Thomas, has said that the board has received and censored 280 movies produced by the Nigerian film industry in the first quarter of the year. He made this known in a statement on Tuesday in Abuja.

The NFVCB boss said the figure was provided by the Department of Film Censorship and Classification of the board in its first quarter report for the year, capturing all films submitted to the board from across the country.

The report is for onward submission to the relevant Federal Government agency as input for the compilation of the nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the first quarter. The report shows a decrease in the number of movies produced from 340 in the fourth quarter 0f 2022 to 280 in the first quarter of 2023, which represented about an 18 per cent downward slope.

According to the statement,106 of the films came in from the Lagos censorship centre of the board, representing the chunk of the movies produced during the period under review, followed by Abuja with 99 movies. As indicated in the report, Onitsha is next with 32 films, Abeokuta submitted 3 films while Kano,15; and Benin.

The analysis by censorship location further shows that Jos recorded 14 films, Port Harcourt 8, while Ibadan and Kaduna recorded 1 film each.

"There is no doubt that our film industry is a key contributor to the national economy as the films being produced are a clear reflection of the direct and indirect jobs the sector is creating. NFVCB as a Federal Government agency, is committed to providing enabling environment for filmmakers; we therefore urge them to cooperate with us by ensuring that they submit their films for classification," he said.

NFVCB is a Federal Government agency that regulates the film and video industry in Nigeria. The board is empowered by law to classify all films and videos, whether imported or produced locally. It is also the duty of the board to register all films and videos outlet across the country and to keep a register of such outlets among other functions. (NAN)

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