Liberia: Charloe Musu's Family Departs in Agony

Family members of the late Charloe Musu say they are returning home to Maryland County in grief and agony, after spending nearly two months in Monrovia, enduring what they term disrespect, trauma, disappointment and frustration.

Speaking to newsmen on Monday, April 24, in Monrovia, the uncle and brother of the late Charloe, J. Wade Mle Elliott, Sr., and Natt Bloh Davis said, the family members were returning to Maryland far more grief-stricken than when they came to Monrovia.

They describe as inhumane, the manner and form in which they've been treated by the Government of Liberia since their arrival and during their nearly two months stay in the capital, awaiting outcome of their daughter's death and to give her a befitting burial.

The two men, in tears, told journalists that all the family's inquiries and communications to government have been treated with cold shoulders and total disregard for human dignity in all measurements.

They recounted the number of times they've requested information such as Coroner's examination report and the body of their daughter for appropriate funeral arrangements but to no avail.

According to them, the government, through the police, was more interested in torturing them psychologically by summoning the biological parents of the deceased to the National Police Headquarters to ask them questions about things they know nothing about.

"We are leaving with heavy heart, we don't want to go but we are compelled to leave because our other kids back home, businesses, farming activities and other engagements back home are left unattended to for nearly two months now," Elliott laments.

They wonder why the government still keeps their daughter's remains in the funeral home since in fact, autopsy had since been conducted and the required information is in government's possession.

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