Liberia: Weah Convenes Cabinet Meeting

The Liberian Leader, President George M. Weah has convened a meeting with Senior Members of his Cabinet in the Port City of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.

The meeting commenced on April 24, 2023, and it is part a three-day special cabinet meeting being convened by the Liberian leader.

The sensitive National gathering was officially opened by President George Weah who is chairing the body.

The three-day technical working session which brought together all senior government officials including the Head of State Owned Enterprises in attendance will among other things deliberate on the next one hundred and sixty-nine days' deliverables of the Government, especially the national envelope, the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD).

Speaking at the opening session, President Weah welcomed both old and new officials of government at the meeting and encourage them to remain focused as they continue to work together in order to deliver the necessary goods for the Liberian people for the next few months.

The meeting which appears very technical and serious-minded saw the Liberian leader very focused and made a brief statement to mark the close of the opening of the first session.

Speaking earlier, Superintendent Janjay Baikpah hailed President George Weah for some infrastructure development and boosts within the County.

He named the construction of the Fair Ground Road as well as the old folk's home including the ongoing Bridge project leading to the Grand Bassa County Community College among others as tangible achievements the people of Grand Bassa County can boost under the regime of President Weah.

However, Superintendent Baikpah urged the President to see the need to provide electricity to the County.

Already, he pointed out that Grand Bassa County has a substation that is on but now needs the power to be distributed across the County.

Meanwhile, it is anticipated that key decisions will be reached by the gathering in order to complete what the ruling establishment has started since 2018 with about eight months to the climax of the current administration.

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