Ghana: How the Regions Celebrated Eid-UL-Fitr

Muslims across the country on Saturday gathered at their various prayer grounds to thank Allah for a successful fasting to mark this year's Eid-ul-Fitr.

We bring to our readers, the celebrations as was captured by our regional correspondents and other reporters.

From Sunyani, Daniel Dzirasah reports that a large crowd of Muslim worshippers gathered at the Jubilee Park to offer the Eid-ul-fitr prayers to mark this year's Ramadan.

The Deputy Bono Regional Chief Imam, Alhaji Baba Seidu, who led the prayers prayed for those in authority especially the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and his team of Ministers and Ghanaians in general.

He charged the worshipers to live in peace with one another and reach out to the poor and needy in society as the Holy Quran required them to do.

According to him their sins have been forgiven after the fast and appealed to them to live in holiness in order to receive Allah's blessings.

The Sunyani Municipal Chief Executive, Mr Ansu Kumi, who represented the Bono Regional Minister, Justina OwusuBanahene, commended the Muslims for interceding for the nation during their period of fasting and urged them to use the various platforms to propagate peace and unity of the country.

He donated 10 bags of rice and cooking oil and GHC 5,000 to Muslim leaders in the Sunyani Municipality.

From Kumasi, Kingsley E.Hope, reports that the Deputy Director in charge of Counter Terrorism at the National Security Ministry, Daniel OseiBonsu, urged Muslim leaders across the country to intensify sensitisation in their communities to ensure that the youth are not drawn to joining jihadist groups.

The Ministry reiterated its stance to continually engage community leaders and interest groups in its effort to counter the threats of terrorism in the country.

According to the Ministry, "keeping the community safe and peaceful remains the priority of the government and that all must get involved in the 'See Something Say Something Campaign.'

He called on leaders to help in the fight against terrorism.

Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei Mensah, lamented over the increasing deviant behaviour among the youth and urged Muslims to use such occasions to help address the menace.

The Deputy National Imam of the Ahlussunna Wal-Jama'asect, Sheikh Mohammed Kamil Mohammed, urged government to not legalise bad deeds like LGBTQ+ under the guise of 'Fundamental Human Rights' in the country, reports Cecilia Lagba in Accra.

According to him, a lot of efforts were being made to legalise LGBTQ+ with the pretext of constitutional human rights and freedoms, which would exert bad influence on the youth in the country.

He noted that, the youth were the country's heritage, which anything they do was a reflection of the training they gave them, "Servant of Allah, these are the times when we as a country and also parents need to exert our vigilance over the youth and our children in our societies to make them responsible adults."

"We need to close our ranks and solidify our unity to be able to combat efforts to push illegal deeds down our throat, as our country goes through countless problems, we need to always speak with one voice," he said.

He urged Muslims to let the lessons they had learnt during the Ramadan to shape their lives and sit with them as this year's Ramadan was now part of history.

Sheikh Mohammed, who led in the prayers called on all Muslims to promote peace and unity among themselves and not only when it was in Ramadan as the religion was built on the basis of peace and unity.

Yahaya Nuhu Nadaa, reports from Tamale, that the Northern Regional Minister, Alhaji Shani Alhassan Sayibu, reiterated government's commitment of ensuring that there is absolute peace in Dagbon and Northern Region at large.

He said without peace there could never be development in the region.

He added that peace comes with development and there was the need for the people to give peace the chance to allow the government to give them more development in the region.

"It is my belief that, throughout the region, Muslims would celebrate the festival in perfect peace and with all the joy of it," he stated.

The Minister said Eid-ul-Fitr was a significant festival in the Islamic calendar as it marks the end of 30 days of fasting and prayer to the Almighty Allah.

According to him, the 30 days saw Muslims undergo great sacrifices of otherwise lawful things including food and water.

He stated that, it was also a period of commitment to prayer more than any other period adding that Allah grants everyone the blessings and rewards all of the sacrifices and commitment during the Holy month.

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