Ghana: Speak Up Against Politicians Beating War Drum - Ameer

The Ameer and missionary-in-charge of the Ahmadiya Muslim Mission Ghana, Alhaji Maulvi Mohammed Bin Salih, has urged Ghanaians to rise and speak against politicians beating war drums.

According to him, these politicians must be told in the face that the country is not at war with anyone as such they must stop these divisive tendencies that threaten the peace of the country.

Alhaji Bin Salih said this in his sermon at the Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations at the mission's conference centre at Ashongman in Accra on Saturday.

Ghana, he explained is the only country we have therefore it behooves on politicians to stop beating war drums and help unite the citizenry instead of adopting self-seeking attitudes to destroy the country.

The Quran, the Ameer and missionary indicated, expects leaders to lead exemplary lifestyles for others to follow but the modern politician does not care, because the leadership do not have the fear of God in their hearts as they continue to create the situation where the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

"Why do you have to collapse the business of a fellow Ghanaian who does not belong to the same political party with you, we are indeed very wicked in our hearts," he added.

He urged those looting and sharing the wealth of the country to desist from such wicked acts, because the Quran frowns on those who commit such acts and on Friday or Sunday are the first to go to the mosque or church to pray.

Alhaji Bin Salih urged Ahmadis not to involve themselves in such wicked acts but rather preach love for all and hate for none, adding, "how can you love someone and later turn to backstab him?It's an unpleasant sight in the eyes of the almighty Allah".

Allah he said created everything for the development of mankind but the divisive and wicked tendency of mankind towards one another has rendered the country so poor that people could not make ends meet.

"The time has come to salvage this country which must first start maintaining the moral and spiritual values to defeat the ills of society," headded.

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