Gambia: Ghancoy 6 Hands Over Renovated Mosque, Gives Food Items

26 April 2023

The Ghanaian Contingent deployed with the ECOWAS Mission in the Gambia (ECOMIG) as part of its Civil Military Cooperation on Friday handed over the Masjidal Al Falaq Mosque (Barra Central Mosque) to the community as Muslims marked the end of the Holy month of Ramadan to commensurate the Eid Ul Fitr celebration.

Additionally, the Unit donated praying mats and Qur'ans to the mosque as well as food items to the Barra Muslim community during the occasion.

GHANCOY 6 observed that the Barra Central Mosque which serves as a place of worship for the people of Barra and its environs was in a very deplorable state and therefore provided assistance to the community within its Area of Operational Responsibility.

The mosque had developed cracks on the walls, toilet facilities were not adequate and the whole structure needed a facelift.The contingent renovated the mosque as a Quick Impact Project by sealing all cracks, constructed a two-toilet facility and also painted the whole mosque.

The donation of the praying mats is meant to help curb overcrowding during the prayers as well as foster the relationship between ECOMIG Ghanaian Contingent and the people of Barra.

The Unitprovides humanitarian assistance to the people of Barra and has been assisting the community in so many ways since its inception in April 2022.

The contingent also donated educational materials and church literatures to St. Matthew Catholic Church Children Service on 16th April 2023 as well as cleaned the community on 20th April 2023.

Major Speratus Baninyeni, second in command GHANCOY 6 said they provided the resources needed for the renovated mosque under the leadership of his contingent commander while the community provided the human personnel needed.

He pointed out that when you are out on a peace keeping mission it is not only the peacekeeping that you do, noting that: "you do not live in isolation but work with people in the community and make sure you win their hearts and minds to ensure your work is equally good and safe for you."

Major Baninyeni said they have a very good relation with the community of Barra and for as long as they are in the country, they hope to continue to do these things to have very good relations and liaisons with communities that they work with.

Alagie Baboucarr Faye, the alkalo for Barra community said the generosity was not the first by the GHANCOY 6, adding that they continue to treat sick natives of the community for free, donated praying mats and food items to the community during last year's Ramadan and randomly also support community elders with food items.

He on behalf of the community thanked the Unit for their generosity and prayed that they complete their mission and safelyreturn to their families.

"Since the establishment of the community centuries ago, the GHANCOY 6 are the first to support the community with such initiatives. Your good initiatives are worth emulating," he stated.

Alfusainey Joof, Village Development Committee chairperson for Barra commended the contingent for their immense contribution towards the community, saying their generosity is becoming a trend in the most important aspects of lives of people of Barra.

Ya Njimby, a woman elder at the community said the Contingent could have only focused on their peacekeeping mission but they continue to act like sons and daughters of the community with their endless interventions.

She also commended them for their professionalism in ensuring the safety of passengers at the Barra ferry terminal, saying: "a lot of people pass through the Barra ferry terminal daily but no one has ever lodged a complaint against you."

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