Ghanaians Asked to Join National Prayer Rally, Healing Service

Evangelist Dr Lawrence Tetteh, has called on all Ghanaians to participate in this year's National Prayer Rally and Healing Service, themed 'This Nonsense Must Stop,' which has been slated next month.

He said there was the pressing need for the country to call on God as a people to seek his face in a massive united front.

"As a nation, we need the hand of God today like never before, not eloquence and politics. Our political leadership must be humbled enough to seek God's face and direction to join hands with the church to pray for a divine intervention," Dr Tetteh added.

Dr Tetteh, who made the call at a presser in Accra, yesterday, said "a nation without a spiritual voice is doomed," as it was evident by the impacts the church in the country had made on nation building over the years by providing well-meaning educational and spiritual support to leadership.

He said that it was imperative for Ghanaians to change their mindsets and attitudes towards the socio-economic landscape and development.

"Our attitude towards our nation has been based on selfish desires and wrong motives. We seem to be politicking with everything, including issues of national interests, and have unconsciously ignored the God factor in our discourse."

"Shamefully, our two main political parties have not helped to promote our national agenda and succession plan for Ghana. It is quite worrying that whiles NDC did not continue with NPP initiated-led whiles they were in government, NPP is also doing same by abandoning NDC-led projects. This Nonsense Must Stop!" he stated.

Dr Tetteh, therefore, urged political leaders to be mindful of these very difficult and trying times, which had affected everyone regardless of their creed or political colours, adding that there was no gainsaying that in these difficult times, the hand of God was needed like never before.

"Sadly, in recent times, we have heard and read very foul and abusive language (culture of insults) hurled at some of our religious and political leaders and from a few members of the media with others joining the discussion, creating some discord in the church and amongst us as a people."

"I will strongly entreat all of us to refrain from engaging in such acts and rather approach religious, political and cultural discussions with decorum and maturity," he said.

Dr Tetteh appealed to media organisations to dedicate a lot more airtime to discuss issues pertaining to the moral and ethical development of Ghanaians with emphasis on the youth, who were the future leaders.

"To our politicians, I respectfully ask them to be very circumspect in the verbal attacks on the church and religious leadership as a whole stemming from the misdeeds of some errant members of the religious community," he said.

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