Liberia: NPP And CDC Launch BVR Awareness Campaign in Bong

Gbarnga, Bong County-The National Patriotic Party and the Coalition for Democratic Change have launched an awareness campaign on the Biometric Voter Registration, (BVR) Exercise in Gbarnga, Bong County.

Speaking at the Launching Ceremony of the BVR's awareness Campaign, the Standard Bearer of the NPP and Liberia's Vice President, Chief Jewel Howard Taylor said the awareness is aimed at enhancing the political participation of all eligible voters as well as encouraging all citizens who have attained the age of 18 years and above to turn out to register in the ongoing voter registration exercise across the County.

The Vice President furthered that the awareness campaign is intended to buttress the sensitization drive of mass community participation in the voter registration exercise.

The NPP and CDC Voter Registration awareness campaign launch being with a parade from the Ganta High Community to the Gbarnga Administrative building.

It brought together a cross-section of partisans from the recent six political parties that joined the CDC ahead of the pending 2023 general and presidential elections.

VP Howard-Taylor said, the program was intended to encourage citizens and partisans to go and register to vote in the October 10, elections.

The NPP and CDC Biometric voter registration launch took another trend when disenchanted Members of the Alternative National Congress (ANC) of Alexander B. Cummings joined

The former Officials of ANC Party pledged their support to the reelection bid of President George Weah through a statement.

In a statement read by the Regional Coordinator of the ANC, Jeremiah K. Solomon said they as disenchanted sympathizers constituted partisans of ANC from Nimba, Lofa, and Bong Counties.

According to Solo, they unveiled their decision based on the transformational trajectory that President Weah is taking in Liberia in turn of development.

The opposition partisans painted out what they called numerous deliverables demonstrated by the government headed by CDC's Standard Bearer George Weah since his taking over as President of Liberia.

The Cummings' ANC former partisans said Liberia is taking a developmental path that needs continuity, adding this can only be demonstrated when "We all take a stance to defend and support President George Weah's second term."

The crossed over disenchanted ANC members said their decision is crucial in keeping Liberia in safe hands rather than those they called "self-proclaimed oppositions" including their former political leader, Alexander B. Cummings who is yearning for power for his greed at the expense of the masses.

Atty. George Mulbah, National Chairman of the NPP received the dissatisfy ANC members and assured them that the Coalition will work with them in giving President Weah a second term.

He said those who are moving towards the CDC's corridors are making the rightful direction on grounds that their standard bearer and Vice standard bearer President Weah and Jewel Howard Taylor have done much in the recent history of the country.

The NPP National Chairman said for President Weah and Taylor to complete their developmental agenda for the country, it means they should be given the last term as stated in the 1986 Constitution of Liberia.

Chief Jewel Howard Taylor, the standard bearer of the NPP and Vice President of Liberia lauded the disenchanted ANC partisans for their broad step taken to join the CDC in the re-election bid of the Jewel and Weah ticket in the 2023 elections.

She further assured the recently crossed-over ANC partisans that they will not be disappointed as their past party has done to them over the years.

Liberia's tough-talking first female Vice President told them that the CDC is a political party that has a plan and vision for the development of Liberia.

She described the opposition community as a disorganized group of people who have no vision for Liberia's development.

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