Liberia: LNRC Celebrates World Safety and Health Day At Work

The Liberian National Red Cross (LNRC) over the weekend celebrated World Safety and Health Day at work at the Liberia Cement Corporation on the Japan Free Way.

According to LNRC Business Manager of Workplace First Aid Mr. Marcus D. Washington, every year on 28 April, World Day for Safety and Health at Work is celebrated by the institution.

He said the day promotes awareness and reduces occupational diseases and accidents worldwide. He noted that the emphasis is on the creation and upkeep of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) management system.

"After the Covid-19 pandemic, this strategy gained importance by establishing a culture of safety and health. During the pandemic, the effective OSH system had meaningful engagement from governments, employers, employees, public health actors, and other important parties at the national and company levels," he said.

Washington added that this initiative plays an essential role in maintaining workplace environments by ensuring workers' safety and health.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) first observed

World Safety and Health Day in 2003 to avoid workplace accidents and diseases.

The day overlaps with the International Day of Remembrance for the Dead and Injured Workers, which has been observed by the labor movement since 1996.

The day has significance in increasing awareness of ways to make work safe and healthy, as well as the necessity to enhance the political profile of occupational safety and health.

This year's World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2023 theme is "A safe and healthy working environment as a fundamental principle and right at work."

Washington explained that the focus of the theme is to provide highlights on fostering excellent workplace health

through a safe and healthy work environment.

He detailed that the primary goal for this day is to maintain high standards of safety and health, which should be distributed equitably in all sectors of society.

For her part, the Human Resource Manager at the Liberia Cement Corporation Madam Kulubo Eunice Korkorlor thanked the Red Cross for always partnering with them in ensuring that all workplaces are safe.

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