Liberia: 'My Search Was Not for a Sinless Angel'

Boakai defends running mate pick

Former vice president Joseph N. Boakai has defended his choice of running mate, saying that he was not searching for a sinless angel but a real human being with imperfection. But rather one who understands that life is not about self.

Mr. Boakai on Friday, April 28, announced Nimba County Senator Jeremiah Kpan Koung as his running mate at a well-attended rally in Monrovia.

But the ceremony witnessed the absence of key allies; businessman turned politician Benoni Urey of the All Liberian Party, embattled political leader of the Liberty Party, Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, and Talk show Host Henry Costa.

" Today after several years, months, weeks, and days of intensive consultations, alignments, realignments, vetting, and soul-searching, we have come to announce RESCUE TWO, our Partner for the ensuing October 10, 2023, Presidential Elections in our mission rescue Liberia," Mr. Boakai told cheering supporters as he lifted the hand of Sen. Koung.

The former vice president who served two terms alongside former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, said Sen. Koung shares his vision about building Liberia better than it has ever been, adding that like many partisans of the Unity Party, Sen. Koung has a humble beginning and has worked his way up through the years to provide for his family.

He said with both he and Sen. Koung sharing similar visions, they will not just win the election together but will also redirect the tragic course on which the country has been set.

"We both come from a struggling and working-class background. We both rose by our bootstraps and demonstrated how courage and vision can lead to success even where adversity was evident. The Man I have chosen, like me, has the resilience, commitment, and love for country," he said of Koung.

According to the former Vice President, in his search for a running mate, he sought to find someone who would join him as a partner and build a dedicated team of leaders to rescue the country.

The announcement of Sen. Koung appears to have kept key allies afar, with Sen. Karnga-Lawrence issuing a statement a night before indicating that her party will consult to see its next plan of action.

She pointed out that Liberia was bigger than loyalty to an individual or individual's interest. Mr. Urey, though not satisfied but much has not been heard from him, the same goes for Costa.

Accepting his nomination, Sen. Koung said his preferment as a running mate to the former vice president was like a dream to him.

He, however, expressed his willingness to work with the former vice president, while calling on supporters to support change because the country can no longer afford another six years of incumbent President George Weah.

Koung also extended special thanks and appreciation to Sen. Prince Y. Johnson, founding father and first Standard Bearer of the Movement for Democracy Reconstruction whose involvement in the process led to the UP/MDR collaboration.

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