Liberia: VP Taylor Endorses Josephine Davies

-To contest District #10

Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor has endorsed former IG Josephine W. A. Davies, as a representative candidate in Montserrado District 10, ahead of the forthcoming election.

Madam. Davies' ambition to win the forthcoming election got a boost on Sunday following the vice president's endorsement as her preferred candidate.

VP Taylor as leader of the National Patriotic Party (NPP), announced the endorsement during a meeting held at the NPP national headquarter in Monrovia.

An endorsement like this clearly shows that the Vice President, young and old Liberians are convinced that Madam Josephine W.A. Davies has the competence and track record of performance to put District 10, where it rightly belongs.

Madam Josephine W. A. Davies, who lauded the Vice President for her great efforts, said:

"On this day, I extend heartfelt appreciation and thanks to Her Excellency, Vice President Mama-Chief, Dr. Jewel Howard Taylor and Standard Bearer of the National Patriotic Party (NPP) for the open endorsement and support for me to contest on the ticket of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) in the pending elections".

"I am particularly grateful to you Madam Vice President for your wonderful support in promoting women's participation in national politics. Thank you for all you do and continue to do". "The people of District 10, deserve better ", she said.

She also pointed out that "This is not about me or the incumbent, this is about the fundamentals of our democracy. This is about the moral integrity of our house of honor, the House of Legislature. This is about setting a standard for our future generations on how a lawmaker should comport him himself".

"Look when you are a law marker of a district, that means you are like a father figure to your constituents. Your people look up to for leadership and guidance".

"They expect you to make decisions that improve their lives. The things you say and do have an impact on your people, especially the children".

However, Vice President Taylor reassured Liberians and residents of District 10, of the Government's resolve to implement programes, and revitalize industries and create multiple jobs for economic growth.

Madam Davies previously worked at the Ministry of Commerce as Inspector General and is seeking a bid to remove current incumbent Yekeh Korluba.

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