Liberia: Weah Punishes Kruah for Attending an Opposition Function

describes as traitor, replaces him immediately

President George Manneh Weah has dismissed Posts and Telecommunications Minister, Cllr. Cooper A. Kruah, days after he was branded as a traitor for attending an opposition function.

Minister Kruah was visibly seen sitting in the front roll clapping his hands, as one of his kinsmen, Senator Koung was being named as vice presidential candidate by former vice president Joseph Boakai on Friday, April 28, much to the dislike of the ruling establishment.

President Weah's moves to fire Cllr. Kruah comes as a warning to other officials of his administration with relationships to the opposition bloc ahead of the October 10 polls.

Minister Kruah, a member of the Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR) party, of Nimba County Senator Prince Yormie Johnson, came into limelight as few of the first batch of officials appointed under the Weah-led Administration, back in February 2018.

He was relieved of his duties on Monday, May 1, and has been replaced by Cllr. Worlea-Saywah Dunah subject to Senate Confirmation.

Before his dismissal, the former Nimba County Senator between 2006-2018, came under serious criticism and mounting calls from members and partisans of the ruling establishment to resign.

Cllr. Kruah had gone to grace the nomination of his kinsman and close friend Sen. Koung being named as running mate to Mr. Boakai.

His presence at the ceremony was viewed as lending support to the collaboration between MDR and Unity Party ahead of the elections as being viewed as a stab in the back of the ruling party.

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