Liberia: Cummings Rallies Liberians for Victory

The Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) Mr. Alexander B. Cummings says the pending elections in October are about making tough choices and hard decisions if Liberia must progress.

He stresses that for things to really change in Liberia, Liberians must not just focus on changing ruling parties, but ruling principles and stop treating the Motherland like elephant meat that they take terms "to cut."

Reading a press statement on Monday, May 1, at the CPP headquarters in Monrovia, he further emphasized that for Liberians' lives to get better, it is not going to be enough to just change individuals in October, but electing people with a different mindset about what government is supposed to do and what leaders are supposed to be.

Surrounded by CPP officials, including the Head of Team Cummings, Dr. Toga Gayewea McCintosh, Ambassador Lewis G. Brown, Chairman Musa Bility, George Wisner and several others, Mr. Cummings explains that government is not a stealing business, and leaders do not have to be hustlers, adding that government is to help make people live better and leaders are supposed to set and live by higher standards, without which he warns, things will remain the same.

In an apparent jibe to former Vice President Joseph Boakai, he quotes a wise oldman as saying that when hunger takes over a village, to give the only cutlass to one's grandfather and the oldest man in the village, to go make farm, because he has "experience" in farming, is to agree to that the village people should die from starvation.

"I am often criticized for not having "government experience." Well, if government experience is to steal from the people and neglect them to suffer then thank God I don't have "government experience", he says.

Mr. Cummings brags that he has leadership experience in fixing things and systems so things work better for all to enjoy, saying "I have no 'government experience' in trying to benefit from the corrupt and broken down system. My experience is one of leadership in standing for principles and the values of hard work, integrity and honesty, and in keeping promises I make. My experience is one of leadership in doing the right things the right way, and not sacrificing my values and principles just to win."

The CPP Standard Bearer says like everyone else vying for the presidency in October, he is in the race to win but prefers to lose while fighting for Real Change than to win only to keep things as they corruptly and wickedly are.

He vows that a Cummings administration will not just fight corruption, but fix the economy and grow the national budget in order to pay people well, and on time.

"We will create jobs - decent paying jobs too - to restore people's respect and dignity in their homes and communities. We will provide opportunities for all Liberians to live better lives and to care for their families. This is my area. I have done it all of my professional life."

He continues that a CPP-led government will not just cook up numbers to impress the public that the economy is growing while salaries are being cut and there are no jobs, with children going to bed hungry.

"In a Cummings Administration", he promises, "Liberian businesses will succeed. We will protect Liberian businesses, especially Liberian women businesses, and provide them the means they will need to grow", and that

from owning waiter markets, Liberians most grow to own and operate shops and subsequently stores.

He says these are not just empty political promises, but deliverables that a Cummings administration will actually provide for the Liberian people.

Mr. Cummings cautions Liberians that the next six years is neither for play-play nor time to take risks with their lives, as the hole Liberia is in is already too deep, and to climb out, they will need all the energies and capacities the country has, and Liberians themselves will have to work hard, work smart, and work for long hours.

"Let me be as clear as I can be: I am asking the Liberian people for the chance to lead our country not because I am looking for a political job. Together, and with your help, I want to lead us to change the corrupt system that continues to see us mismanage our God-given wealth only to keep our people poor."

Finally, my people: Poverty is not Liberia's destiny. Our government does not have to be so rotten, careless and irresponsible. Officials do not have to care only about "buttering their own bread," while many of our people cannot even buy cold bowl. It is a shame on any government to make beggars of its people.

He says under a Cummings presidency, anyone found to have stolen from the people, will face prosecution, and if found guilty, be required to restitute, and then sent to common jail, adding "We will stop the 419 leaders and hustlers from on the backs of our people!"

He rallies Liberians to join him in his quest to deliver real change and stop asking whether he can win the presidency, but rather they should ask themselves if they are ready for real change, as together, victory is certain. Story by Jonathan Browne

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