Liberia: Boakai Urged to Reconcile With Aggrieved Allies

Vocal opposition lawmaker Yekeh Kolubah has appealed to Unity Party (UP) standard bearer Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai to reconcile and bring back disenchanted opposition allies.

Boakai's pick of a running mate last Friday angered some of his loyalists who had hoped he would have considered them instead.

There are fears that Grand Bassa County Senator and Liberty Party leader Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, All Liberian Party leader Benoni Urey, Montserrado Senator Abraham Darius Dillon, and others could withdraw their support from Boakai.

They boycotted the ceremony at which Boakai announced Nimba County Senator Jeremiah Koung as his running mate.

But Kolubah has urged the former Liberian Vice President to demonstrate leadership in ensuring that all those aggrieved are consoled and brought back on board.

"The decision made by you today will either break the UP down or make you president. We still have work to do," Mr. Kolubah told Amb. Boakai.

The Montserrado Electoral District #10 Representative stated that Boakai's team still has people that are dissatisfied.

"You have to take the responsibility and demonstrate leadership to have the problem resolved. Because if we don't solve that problem it will be dangerous for us during the October elections," he continued.

According to Kolubah, everybody can't be vice president at the same time right. He said people will be dissatisfied, but Mr. Boakai should solve the problem with them.

"Is the problem able to be solved? Yes, we can solve the problem. We have to push our political leader and the vice president in waiting," Kolubah pleaded.

He said Boakai's camp should move to those that are unhappy, and talk to them.

He believes that the ability to solve the problem with the dissatisfied opposition members is the ability to win the current government.

"We need everybody's vote. Please don't let anybody tell you that we don't need their votes. My uncle, I will not lie to you, we need everybody's vote. When we get everybody's vote, we will win," said Mr. Koluba.

He alleged that the ruling Coalition for Democracy Change (CDC) is currently worried and trembling because it is seeing that the opposition is getting ready to take over the country.

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