Liberia: 'Completely Reckless and Ungrateful'

-Neufville condemns Gray, Chie's attack against U.S. Ambassador

Amb. Rufus Neufville has condemned Liberian Senate President Pro-Tempore Albert Chie's verbal attacks against U.S. Ambassador Michael McCarthy as reckless, useless, childish and unnecessary.

In an exclusive interview with this paper Tuesday, 2 May 2023 in Monrovia, Neuville, a former Montserrado Representative, warned Mr. Chie and Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)-led government to stop attacking the U.S. Ambassador and address the problems he raised.

In his attempt to react to Amb. McCarthy's report about how the elite in Monrovia treats destitute citizens with neglect, Chie claimed that it has been alleged that the Ambassador is an opposition supporter.

Additionally, Chie accused the U.S. Envoy of allegedly spreading falsehood to strengthen the opposition because this is an election year.

Mr. McCarthy released a report last week and said the elite in Monrovia are treating destitute citizens in the leeward counties 'with a neglect that borders on contempt.'

The U.S. Envoy said in a press statement that while hospitals went without, and service centers withered on the vine, Liberia's 30 senators and 73 representatives spent sixty-five million U.S. dollars feathering their nests.

Contrary to Chie's assertions, Mr. Neufville, Liberia's former Chief of Protocol, extended an open apology to McCarthy and the United States Government at large on behalf of the Liberian people.

He said what Chie and the CDC regime did was 'high level of ingratitude' displayed.

"What the ambassador said is true and I am particularly concerned about the Pro-Tempore's statement, referring to the Ambassador's statement and his personality as an opposition supporter," Neufville said.

"I am also disappointed in Representative Moses A. Gray for such a reckless and irresponsible statement he made against the US Ambassador," Neufville added.

He further condemned the Ministry of Information for its recent press statement.

Neufville claimed that over the past twelve years, Rep. Gray has not given the people of Montserrado Electoral District #8 any report, but talks about a transparent and objective man.

"This man is unfit to question anything concerning good governance in this country," Mr. Neufville noted.

He believes that if the United States withdraw support from Liberia today, the country will collapse because Liberians depend on foreign aids to survive and run their government.

Mr. Neufville reminded Chie, Gray and the CDC regime that the United States is Liberia's biggest partner.

He cautioned them that it will be a blow for Liberia if the U.S withdraws its support.

Neufville suggested that it's true that Liberians are suffering and they are not receiving the necessary healthcare and living conditions they deserve.

According to Neufville, various government hospitals in Monrovia including the JFK, and Redemption, among others, are also out of drugs while citizens are dying of curable diseases.

"The United States Ambassador raised the red flag that what the people should get ... they are not getting it."

"Lawmakers in this country, I need not tell you about their level of corruption. I have often said that there [is] 5% good lawmakers, and 95% thieves and hustlers," Neufville alleged.

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