Ghana: An Open Letter to the President Good Morning, Your Excellency.

My name is Eric Boakye Antwi. You may already be familiar with me as I have had a strong presence in the Ghanaian press since 2007 when I wrote an open letter to then President J.A. Kufuor which was published in the Ghanaian Times of August 31, 2007.

Your Excellency, I would like to commend you exceedingly for your policies; especially the free senior high school policy that has been operational with great success since 2016.

God bless you exceedingly for thinking about the poor and the marginalised in society. It was actually because of this policy that I decided to enter the teaching field; and I was appointed a teacher atAsankragua Senior High School in the Western Region on March 2, 2020. I received my assumption of duty letter on March 16, 2020 and I have been at post since.

Your Excellency, I have a huge albatross around my neck. The problem is, since I started teaching three years ago, I have not received a staff ID; and because of that I cannot be processed for enrolment onto the payroll.

Your Excellency, I suspect that the documents I submitted for processing at the Municipal Education Directorate of the Amenfi West Municipality did not reach Takoradi for onward submission to Accra.Like all paperwork, it may have been lost.

I am therefore humbly appealing to you to use your high office to instruct the Director General of the Ghana Education Service to do something about the matter in the same vein as you empathetically enabled D.K.Poison to get the money the state took from him in the seventies.

I am counting on your wisdom and benevolence to come to my aid and help me get onto the payroll so that I can start being paid; as the Bible says, "A labourer deserves his salary".

Thank you Mr President and all the best in your endeavours.

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