Liberia: U.S. Hails Freer Media in Liberia

In celebration of World Press Freedom Day, the United States Embassy in Monrovia says freedom of the press and freedom of expression are core values of democratic nations, including the United States and Liberia.

In a statement issued Wednesday, May 3, the U.S. Embassy notes that fortunately, the media environment in Liberia has never been freer than now, although economic difficulties cause some media houses to self-censor.

It hails the media's essential contribution to Liberia's democracy but reminds journalists in the country and everywhere to stay true to ethics, stressing that accurate, clear, and fair reporting that seeks to inform the public should be the standard.

The U.S. Embassy further reminds that professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility, adding that without credibility, the media cannot contribute to a healthy democracy but rather provoke distrust and the spread of misinformation.

It continues that independent media is an essential pillar of responsive and accountable democracies and that Journalism plays a crucial role in combatting corruption, drawing attention to human rights abuses, and providing the public with accurate information.

"Freedom of expression remains under threat in many parts of the world as authoritarian regimes use intimidation of the media and internet shutdowns, among other tactics, to prevent criticism, accountability, and transparency", the statement says.

It recalls Ambassador Michael McCarthy's recent press statement while hailing the vibrancy of the Liberian media, in which the Ambassador is quoted as saying 'I've lived in many many countries where that statement would not have been issued at all', in reference to the wide coverage the media here gave his statement about corruption and bad governance in the Weah administration.

The U.S. Embassy also notes that at a dinner with White House correspondents on April 29, President Joe Biden said, 'The free press is a pillar -- maybe the pillar -- of a free society, not the enemy... You [the media] make it possible for ordinary citizens to question authority and, yes, even to laugh at authority without fear or intimidation.'

The U.S. Embassy in Monrovia supports independent media through a variety of programs, including exchange programs, visiting expert speakers, and training opportunities.

It says USAID Liberia's Media Activity project, which is implemented by Internews, aims to enhance the human and institutional capacity of the media sector while advocating for and maintaining current media freedoms to reliably carry out responsible journalism, drive reforms, and increase revenue.

"We wish everyone a happy World Press Freedom Day and encourage all to recognize the value of a free media", the Embassy adds.

U.S. Embassy Monrovia joins journalists the world over including Liberia to celebrate World Press Freedom Day on Wednesday, May 3.

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