Ghana: Revenue Mobilisation Exercise - ECG Recovers Ghc3.1 Billion ...Yet to Locate Customers Owing Ghc780 Billion

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has recovered GHC3.1 billion debt during its month-long national revenue mobilisation exercise.

Managing Director of ECG, Mr Samuel DubikMahama, said the company was also initiating moves to recoup an outstanding debt of more than GHC1 billion, which formed part of the total GHC5.7 billion it set out to collect during the exercise.

Speaking at a press conference in Accra yesterday, he explained, however, that the company was yet to find business customers, which were in debt to the tune of GHC780 million.

According to Mr Mahama, the business customers include about 200 companies that have ceased operations after declaring bankruptcy.

Also, he said, the ECG was yet to locate post-paid meter customers who were in debt of GHC750 million because their facility have been demolished or collapsed by disasters or accidents.

The Managing Director stated that, the company further identified more than 300,000 illegal connections during the exercise which commenced on March 20 this year.

To enable ECG to recoup the debt owed by the collapsed companies, he said, the company was engaging the Registrar of Companies and the Receiver of the bankrupt entities to identify assets that could be used to pay off the debt.

Mr Mahama noted that, the company's taskforce would continue the meter inspection to identify meters that were yet to settle debt owed for power consumption.

The ECG, he said, had instituted the revenue mobilisation week, which was to be done in the final week of every month to enhance revenue mobilisation and end the age-old practice of consumers using power without paying for it.

In addition to the revenue mobilisation week, he noted, was the commencement of the Know Your Customer initiative, designed to enable the company take stock of all customers to help build an improved database.

"We have designated the final week of every month as a revenue mobilisation week which will involve our officers visiting our customers to ensure all pay for their bills promptly.

We are doing this together with the Know Your Customer drive that will enable the ECG take stock of all customers as we build an improved database to help in revenue collection," Mr Mahama added.

He said the ECG was developing a unified billing system that would include the reading of prepaid meters by staff of ECG to tackle losses and illegalities.

The Managing Director noted that ECG was also undertaking a Loss Reduction Programme that offers people engaged in illegal connection to visit any of the company's offices to be regularised and provided a flat rate service to enable them pay for power consumed.

As a measure to curb meter shortage, he said the company had engaged some local manufacturers for the supply of meters to be distributed to all customers who partake in the regularisation programme.

"If you're using power illegally, we are offering you an opportunity to visit our offices for proper reconciliation for a new service. We accept that the unavailability of meter is our fault.

We will conduct a proper estimate and create a service line which allows you to pay a flat rate until such a time the meter becomes ready for use," Mr Mahama stated.

He said, ECG has commenced the prosecution of customers who were caught engaging in power thievery during the revenue mobilisation exercise, adding that "all those who are still engaged in illegal connection to report to the ECG for the proper service line to be created or face similar prosecution if you fail to stop."

The company, he added, was currently in negotiations with the Independent Power Producers (IPPs) to restructure payment of the US$1.4 billion debt owed.

He called on the public to provide information on persons engaged in illegal connection and support the ECG to clamp down on power thievery which is impeding the company's growth.

The ECG embarked on a revenue mobilisation exercise from March 20 to April 20 to recover all debts owed by all categories of customers, including state-owned enterprises (SOEs).

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