Ghana: Sports Effective Tool to Promote Inclusion Globally - Samson Deen

Sports is the most effective tool for addressing the issue of inclusion globally with regard to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), the President of the African Paralympic Committee(AfPC), Mr. Samson Deen, has said.

He said sports had the answer and serves as the vehicle for change and inclusion, hence the need for the sector to be supported to lead that course.

He was speaking at an event dubbed 'A Day with Ghana Dreams Disability Development Foundation(GDDDF).

It was marked with a reception and 7-aside football match hosted by the British High Commissioner, Harriet Thompson, in Accra on Wednesday.

Mr Deen said the Paralympic movement believes that change starts with sports.

He added that inclusive sports focuse on abilities, removal of physical and social barriers to participation, creating an accessible environment for all and deals with how sporting activities are played," he stated.

"Sports is, therefore a potent tool and arguably the only source of hope and drive for inclusion and change of people's perception because of its global popularity, diversity and opportunities," he said.

However he said PWDs in this part of the world, struggled for support and attention in areas including finance, equipment, facilities, coaching and safety.

He therefore called on the government, corporate entities and individuals to support initiatives geared towards ensuring that PWDs participated in sports effectively.

The upcoming 2023 African Paralympic Games, he said would offer an opportunity for para athletes to experience a world-class multi-para. sporting event in Africa.

Ghana, he said cannot host the Games successfully without the support of governments including the UK and other critical partners, given the enormous capital involved.

He therefore called on the UK government through the High Commissioner to support and urged members of the public to continue promoting the inclusion agenda across board.

The High Commissioner commended Mr Deen for his efforts in promoting para sports in Ghana and the continent at large.

She said the programme was also an opportunity to highlight the efforts of GDDDF in promoting the development of PWDs through entrepreneurship, employment, agriculture, sports, creative arts and culture.

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