Liberia: Maryland Midwives Celebrate International Day of Midwife

Maryland County — Midwives from health facilities in Maryland County, south-east Liberia, have joined the world midwives to celebrate International Midwife Day.

The day-long celebration was held at the Saint Francis Parish Hall on Friday, 5 May 2023 and brought together midwives, students from Jasper Grant High School, Health Workers, a representative from Partner In Health (PIH), and local authorities, among others.

This year's program was celebrated under the theme: "Together again: from the evidence to reality."

The celebration started with a parade through the principal streets of Pleebo City and climaxed with a well-attended indoor program at the Saint Francis Parish Hall.

Speaking during the indoor program, the Acting President of the Maryland County Midwives Association, Annie Weah, said the association's Maryland branch was established in 1987.

She said the aim was to bring all midwives together regularly to discuss strategies to reduce maternal and newborn deaths.

Madam Weah disclosed that during the civil crisis, the association was dormant as midwives were displaced.

In 2015, according to her, the organization was revitalized with its first president being M. Hnedy Kondy, the oldest midwife in the county.

Since having its first president following its reactivation, she said the association has been meeting regularly to discuss maternal newborn death surveillance and other challenges faced by the organization.

For her part, the guest speaker of the International Day of Midwife Maryland Chapter Mrs. Virginia Blyee, has encouraged all midwives in the county to serve their patients with honor and respect.

"When I was in school, I was challenged to foster my education. But despite my age, I made it this far," she said.

Madam Blyee, who is believed to be in her early 60s, inspired young folks in the profession to see the midwife field as a blessing and true call to duty.

She stated that midwives are making positive impacts in the health sector of the country, and it can be attributed to their hard work.

She disclosed that statistics has shown that maternal death in the country has reduced from 1072 deaths per 100,000 live birth to 742 deaths per 100,000 live birth.

She added that pregnant women who attend big belly clinics have increased from 19,739 to 22,102, attributing it to the hard work of the midwives across the country.

And during the program, Partners In Health donated two bags of emergency medical items to the Maryland County Health Team.

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