Liberia: 'Judicial System Bleeding From Corruption

-Carter Center Liberia says

The Country Representative of Carter Center Liberia, Mr. James Dorbor Jallah says Liberia's judicial system is suffering and bleeding from corruption, lack of accountability, transparency, inclusiveness, and limited resources.

In his message to the Liberia National Bar Association during the celebration of Law Day over the weekend, Mr. Jallah recommended an inclusive, transparent, and accountable legal system in Liberia.

"However, as we celebrate our achievement within the legal sector, we also acknowledge the challenges that persist," he said.

"In order to ensure that our progress is sustainable, we must continue to work toward [a] more inclusive, transparent and accountable legal system."

He said the lack of accountability, corruption, and limited resources are a major factor responsible for the failure of the Liberian judicial system.

The former Public Procurement and Concession Commission (PPCC) boss urged lawyers and justices of the Supreme Court of Liberia to reaffirm their commitment to the rule of law and the principles enshrined in the Construction.

"To all the legal professionals, professional citizens who work tirelessly to hold and advance the rule of law in the country, I say thank you," said Mr. Jallah.

"Together, we can continue to build a brighter future for all Liberians where the rule of law is the cornerstone for our democracy."

He also thanked the LNBA for organizing the program to reflect on the achievements of the legal sector, as well as the challenges that are ahead.

He further indicated that he was honored to form part of the law day celebration where lawyers have gathered to look at the progress the judicial system has made and reflect on the challenges that are stopping the quest for building democracy in society.

The Carter Center boss disclosed that Liberia has come a long way since the silence of the gun.

He added that Liberia has made a great strive in rebuilding the legal institution and ensuring that justice is accessible to all citizens.

But Jallah appealed to the Government of Liberia through the Judicial Branch and the LNBA to continue to work with organizations including the Carter Center, to make Liberia an example of justice and equality.

"I [would] like to recognize the effort the Carter Center has made in the legal sector. We have provided support and played [a] crucial role in promoting the rule of law, enhancing access to justice and fostering the culture for human rights," Mr Jallah stated.

He detailed that the Carter Center has worked tirelessly with the Government of Liberia, Civil Society Organizations, as well as non-governmental organizations to strengthen the justice sector of the country.

"We have assured [the] training of judges, prosecutors, and public defenders, as well as supported Legal Aid Clinic to serve the most vulnerable in our society," said Mr. Jallah.

"The Carter Center has also been the leading advocate in the decentralization of the justice system, encouraging the establishment of lower courts as well as empowering traditional leaders to settle disputes in accordance with human rights standards," he said.

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