Nigeria: Buhari Urged to Sign Peace Corps Bill Before Leaving Office

A group, the ASQ, have appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari to append his signature on the Peace Corps Bill before leaving office.

The Chief Executive Officer of the United Kingdom-based ASQ Group, Mr. Samson Adeosun, gave the appeal in a statement obtained by Vanguard in Abuja.

He asked Buhari to give assent to the Nigeria Peace Corps (Establishment) Bill, pointing out that the benefits associated with assenting to the bill were enormous.

Adeosun stressed that it would specifically engage the youths and drastically reduce insecurity in the country, adding that the corps would help in complementing the tireless efforts of other security agencies at maintaining peace across the country.

According to him, "Creating jobs can have numerous benefits, especially in a country like Nigeria where youth unemployment is a major challenge. By creating job opportunities, the government can engage the youth and provide them with a sense of purpose and direction. This can help reduce the likelihood of young people being drawn into criminal activities and other forms of insecurity.

"Moreover, job creation can have a ripple effect on the economy, as people with jobs tend to spend money and contribute to overall economic growth. This can also lead to increased tax revenues for the government, which can be used to fund other important initiatives as in this regard insecurity would be holistically brought to an end.

"In addition, job creation can help address social and economic disparities, as it provides opportunities for people from different backgrounds and regions to participate in the economy and improve their standard of living. This can ultimately lead to a more stable and cohesive society.

"Overall, the benefits of creating jobs are significant and far-reaching and should be a priority for any government seeking to promote economic growth, reduce insecurity, and improve the well-being of its citizens.

"If assented to by the President, it will go a long way in providing jobs for a large number of unemployed youths and also ensuring peace and unity in the country.

"In line with provisions of the 1999 Constitution, President Buhari is expected to assent to the bill on or before 11th May 2023 when 30 days window given for such important action must have been exploited.

"The Bill, If assented to, the existing Peace Corps of Nigeria which had been operating on the template of volunteerism over the years, will now be a Federal Government owned and funded Agency in the name of Nigeria Peace Corps", Adeosun said.

Appreciating and encouraging the National Commandant, Peace Corps of Nigeria, Professor Dickson Akoh, Adeosun charged him to keep hope alive.

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